chapter 23

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Clara's POV

It has been two weeks since we hooked up with Jack now and everything is smooth and cool.

I had just parked my car, took my books and moved out to head to class. Jack had sarted this routine of waiting for me to walk me to the lecture hall. I'm not complaining of course, I'm glad that he does that every time he is around when I'm having a class. I would text him and he just wait until I drive to school.

Only gentlemen's do that , right?

We have not spend time together since he has not asked me out yet. I just can't wait. We just talk during the night and chart whenever we are free. I always miss him but I know it's necessary if we take things slow.

I saw him standing near his car as he waited me to come out. He was still the cute guy I'm in love with. I mean everything in him made me want him more and more. He looked at me me and smiled ,that smile that makes my heart flatter every time. Like its hard to resist it.

A loving and lovely smile. His dimples would indent and make me fall in love a thousand time each day .

"Hey, " I was snapped by him as he came towards me.

"Hey to you, " I replied as he came closer holding my hand and took the books from me.

"I miss you, " he said bringing us closer as we hugged. This what I look towards everyday. It always act as my morning dose and that steers my brain into learning.

" I missed you, " I said while hugging him.

Ooh! So sweet and cool.

A month ago ,if you would tell me that I will be dying every morning to hug a guy , I would laugh at you and think you are mad. But here I am being walked to class by a guy I love.

A guy who was my enemy two months ago.

He was staring at me not minding my presence as he held one of my hand.

"A picture would last longer , you know, " I said smirking at him as he blushed. Honestly that was so cute. Him blushing is a thing I enjoy.

He stopped checking me out and lead me towards my class. Our hands were intertwined and I would feel his warmth running through his hands to my body. It was lovely as we walked silently towards the hall.

"Will you be free today in the evening ?" He asked as we neared my lecture hall.

Oh my! I saw this coming.

I know I will be free and this is a nice opportunity to know him better.

"I will be free, " I replied taking my books from him. Honestly though we are more than friends now, there are some things that are taking eternity to be normal. Whnever we are together there is some kind of awkwardness between us. At times words are less and we get silent but we just seem to enjoy the close short moments we get.

"Will you agree to hang out with me, I mean I'm not taking things fast but I just would love us to spend time together." He said his eyes looking direct into mine. I was nervous since I knew what would follow.

"Like a date..."I trailed off.

"Yes ,a date! If that sounds good to you." He said relieved.

"I would be glad to hang out with you." I said unable to control my joy anymore. He smiled cutely as he suddenly hugged me holding me tightly.

"I love you Clara, " he said releasing me. The way he said it made my heart melt with happiness as I knew I will never get enough of hearing that sentence come from his mouth.

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