chapter 24

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Jack's POV

"Are you kidding ?" Laura asked after I told her everything.

"I'm not, as a matter of fact it is happening this evening, I mean few hours from now, " I said halfway bragging.

I didn't know I would ever be happy like now. I'm just all smiley and jovial. This is the new me, and I'm happy about it.

"Congratulation bro, I'm happy for you, " she said running and hugging me.

"I'm glad, and you are more than a sister to me." I said holding her tight. We are always close with her and to some extent people think that we are a thing.
But honestly we don't give a damn about it.

"This past week you have always been in good mood and I'm happy about it, " she said as we walked from the changing room.

"How are things between you two going, I mean when will Mark come ?" I asked her changing the subject.

"Two weeks from now, " she said smiling.

"Wow, I will help you wait for him. You can ask me anything you want, I mean in matters of love."

"Oh you are a professor in that, I see." She said making me remember how pro I'm becoming in dealing with the word love.

I didn't know i've known much about love in few weeks time. I thought I knew what love is with Trizah but I was completely wrong.

Wonders will never cease, I've been tought more about love by a girl who doesn't know nor believe in love. Ironical I say.

We walked to different tables as we took orders from different people.

I just can't wait for the evening. Its the only time I'm looking towards. Just to spend time with her , my Clara.


I texted her the address and name of the hotel we would take dinner at as I took my keys ready to meet her.

First mistake, I didn't propose driving her instead I went on giving her the address. I hope she won't think that I'm not interested in knowing where she lives.

I realize it now that I would have asked her address instead of driving up to the hotel differently. I remember what she told me few weeks ago that "I don't let people know where I live" and somehow that what made me not force her.

I know the closer we get, the more I know her and within time she will be comfortable to let me in her circle. Her circle that I admire from far. That is only known by her two friends. A circle that I can sacrifice to be let in and locked forever.

I will take things slow and I promise not to rush her in anything. Her beauty may betray me and make me feel like rushing but I will have to wait if at all I don't want to mess.

I had settled in my black ripped jeans and my favourite black loafers. I just took my grey hoodie for cold purposes to top it all. I hope I'm not that ugly in them.

I drove slowly as I struggled to control my smile that kept creeping now and then. Thank god it was already dark and no one would see me smiling like a mad person.

I parked my car and headed inside hoping that she is already in, but no I had to wait. I searched for a table far away where people were not many.

I just kept looking on my phone counting seconds as they formed minute and was about to gauge my eyes in boredom when I saw her standing right on the door her captivating eyes looking everywhere for me.
I become numb at fast and I could hear sweat drible on my backbone.

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