chapter 3

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We entered the classic restaurant and searched for an empty table. I feel like I may die the next minutes, I'm too hungry to survive ,you know. At times I wonder how street children survive, they must really suffer all the days they spend there. Maybe they curse the day they were born. I know I don't have a heart but I really feel for the children.

"What should we take little sis ?" This girl loves annoying me ,sometime I wish she doesn't visit me. Being my elder sister , she will never stop teasing me.

"This is the umpteeth time I'm telling you this, never call me little sister again ," I said emphasizing each word. She has been calling me that since kidergaten and I don't like it. I've reminded her that I hate it but she will never stop it. I get irritated too fast. Gosh! change me. I feel like hitting her head or that of her silly mouth.

"Calm down. You know I still remain your sister. No matter how much you get irritated." She gurgle arching her perfect eyebrow.

"Okay then, stop it ,else I will lose my appetite," I snigger rolling my eyes. I don't understand why she has to make me yell all the damn time. People turned to look at our side. I didn't care ,they can stare forever if they have no other businesses to rush to.

"I knew you will attract attention. Look now ,people are looking at us as if we are lost sheep." She says smirking with her red painted lips.

"You started it remember. STOP it before I bury you alive." I had a nonchalant face and meant every word I said. I gave her a grudging look marched with a scowl.

I could see a waiter coming on my peripheral vision. I didn't look up since I knew how I looked. Like a little kis whose popcorns have been snatched. That angry face. Propping my  palms on my chin ,I supported my elbow by the table and stared at nothing specific. He stood there waiting for us to give him our orders.

I miss those moments when we used to go in big restaurant with both my parents, it was both lovely and lively. My parents knew what we would love and bought us expensive food and drinks. How we would laugh as mom and dad argued on who will finish a drink first. My mom always was the last and we would laugh at her. I didn't knew they did that just to make us happy ,yes just to see us laugh and enjoy every moment we spend as a family.

When mom died, dad was soo much devastated and lonely. He was not the same dad we knew, he took us for a while and was bored when he realized we didn't enjoy like we did when mom was alive.

"What should we take then ? will you look up ? I will drive back if you don't talk." That's my sister, she will pretend she didn't start it. Do others feel like this when they have elder sisters ? I know I'm abit temperamental but I can't wholly blame myself. She has a hand in this too.

"Those are many questions for me to answer at once. I will only answer the second question. I won't look up , order for me. Unless you apologize, then I will remain moody." This sound crazy especially when a man stood there. I could feel his eyes on me but as I said , I don't really care.

"Oh, only that, " she took my hands forcefully and made me look at her. "I'm sorry big sister,I will not call you that sweet name again. Cool down now." She is being sarcastic I know. She purses her lips obviously trying to contain laughter.

"Its not sweet you bitch, " I almost smiled when I saw her burst out laughing ,so hard that you would think she was crazy.

"Stop it now , you know I don't like you."

"I have stopped sis, and you know I love my grumpy Clara. I like it that you're my only sister, " I know she meant it. I'm not grumpy though. I'm I ?

"I love you too especially when you don't call me little." I smiled imagining how grumpy I looked a minute ago.

We ordered for our lunch and waited silently for the waiter to bring the food. We have decided to take lunch since time has so much gone. It will favour me  as I wouldn't have to go cooking in that damn kitchen. Maureen should come, like urgently so I can't dwell there cooking forever.

"Hey ,here are your orders ,"he said placing the food on the table. I looked up at him and caught him smiling. Geez! He look familiar. Who is he ?

I stared at him not bothering whether he sees me or not.

Oh ! He is the boy I had yesternight. Shit ! Why do he have to be on my way every route I take. I may decide to hate him now and then.

He looked at me confusion plastered on his ugly face. Dammit ! Did I call him ugly. He don't really look ugly but his behaviours are. Call me proud. Of course I am when a stranger comes my way all the damn time.

He seemed as if he didn't realize me at first but when I stared at him, he was astonished and almost dropped everything he carried. Poor boy.

"Clara...."he almost whispered not gathering much courage to look at me.

"What is it ? " I asked him rudely. I have nothing to do with this f*ck of a man. He is a mere waiter , can't he realize it. I'm a rich child ,my dad owns a big company and everything I want anytime comes my way. My social class can't allow me to sit here talking with this jerk of a waiter. I would be halfway through with my food right now. If I knew he is this poor ,I would not have given in to his request yesterday. I'm such a fool too. More than him maybe. I mentally slapped my forehead out of my weird thought. I'm not a fool you bitch. I had guts to insult my mind. Oh my......

"Are you okay sis? " I had forgotten that Tiana was around. "What is it with the two of you ? I mean have you met before ?" She went on asking as I kept pretending this food is the best thing I've ever had.

"Nothing wrong and to answer your question we met......."

"Go to your work else I will call the manager and tell him how careless of a waiter you are." I barked angrily clenching my teeth. I could not let him finish what he wanted to say.

I saw him turn and take his leave. I'm bored like hell and just felt like storming out and running to my car.

"You didn't have to be rude. Didn't you see how humble he was. You humiliated him you bitch." I knew my sister had to complain. She think that she is always on the right side,but no, not this time round.

I took my food and started eating. I'm hungry and that the only thing I can care about right now. I like Maureen ,she is not as interrogative as my sister. She mind her business and is not concerned of whatever shit I do. Not like I mind either. We are cool together. Tiana has to know every breath I take,when ,where and how I took it. She is annoying like hell but good all the same.

"Where did you meet him? I mean how come that he knows you ?" My sister has a habit of asking thousands of questions at once.

"You know if I happen to answer all the questions you have asked me today ,it would take me a whole year. You're too nosey you know." I'm used to telling her that and I know she will never change. She will remain Tiana ,the annoying beautiful sister.

"Okay then,I will ask later." She look calm now. I don't know what bothers her much, maybe my fucked up  life ,my behaviour and all shit I do that make her aggravated.

I'm such a bother in this world. The truth remains that I will remain a troublemaker until I die. Changing is a fantasy that I will not try to make it reality. We live in real world. I don't trust movies and stories I read. They may give you hope that any person can change but you realize that they just give us false hopes. I won't change I know, I will remain rude girl forever with no heart to feel for others.

We ate in silence with Tiana stealing glances at me of which I didn't mind looking back. I know she was mad and wanted to have answers for billion of questions she had on her small round head.

I knew she will bombard me with questions when we arrive at my room but I'm used to formulating false answers. I'm best in that even though sometime she become so adamant and force me to tell her the truth.

And that what makes her unable to deal with me at times. I know I punish her but I don't know how to do things in the right way and I don't like hoping that I will one day.

Tap the star guys. I will appreciate.

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