Too Conventional

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It had been almost one year since you and Sinbad called off your wedding, and even longer still when you made permanent residency at the Sindrian palace, and it felt like a dream come true— at first. It was true that there was no one and nothing you loved more in the entire world than Sinbad, and he felt the same about you, but you couldn't help but feel-

"Empty," you stood, sorrowful, in the middle of the garden, looking down at the ring Sinbad gave you that wrapped around your left ring finger, as it dazzled in the blue moon glow.

The ring looked just like your old one: the ring that you sacrificed to let your powers go to their rightful host. Sinbad had also told you that Harun, your Djinn, had been put into this new ring as well, but it didn't really feel the same despite that.

"Harun, I wish you were out here with me. I know you're in there, but," you sighed "I miss hearing your voice; it feels almost-"

You stopped yourself, hoping you could go on denying your feelings like you had for so long.

With your powers now gone, you no longer had the ability to summon Harun from the ring, let alone speak with him through the ring itself. Sure, you could summon his Djinn power still, if needed, but that didn't really mean you could chat with him like you used to.

Holding your knuckles to your lips, you stood silently. Being on an island, you could always hear the waves crash on the shore outside at night, when the city was asleep. You could even sometimes catch a whiff the salty, sea air, but it never felt like you were getting enough of it.

"Y/N," you heard a distant voice coming from your left.

You looked up suddenly with an expression like you've been caught doing something wrong, but your body relaxed after seeing who the voice belonged to.

"Oh, Sinbad, you surprised me," you sighed with relief.

He gave a small laugh "I'm sorry, my dear, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to bed yet. It is pretty late you know," hands gently placed on his hips, he slowly and casually glided in your direction.

"Yeah, you're right," you hid your hands behind your back and began striding to meet your beloved part way.

Upon meeting, Sinbad gently kissed you on the forehead, and smoothly took hold of your left hand, interlocking his fingers with yours.

"And, when we get to our room, I actually have a question for you," he added in a tender voice.

Your interest was peaked "Oh yeah? Why wait? We need to talk about something on our way to our room," you teased.

"Patience, my dear, it's just something I want to keep from wandering ears," he gave you a little wink, and suddenly, you felt hypnotized.

Hesitantly, you nodded with a relaxed smile on your face "Okay, okay, I'll wait a little longer".


The both of you made it to your bedroom, and the moment the door was shut, you turned to Sinbad, an eyebrow raised.

"We're here, so tell me what you have for me," your eyes darted at him incessantly.

"Hold on, babe," he chuckled, thinking about how cute you looked when you got impatient like that "lets get ready for bed first".

Forget Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now