Fire With No Water

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There were loud, angry voices calling out in the distance, waking you up in the middle of the cool, summer night. Your eye lids felt heavy, but your body was on alert with the surprising rukus that awoke you

"Zarah?" You manage to speak in your gravled, sleepy voice. You look beside you, and the reality of the situation suddenly crashed down upon you once you realize the small girl was no longer next to you on the giant leaf.

You jolt upward, wobbling a bit, squinting in the dark, your eyes already accomadated to the night as you look in the direction of the voices. An orange glow emits itself against the tree tops near the shore, and you could even see the light flicker sporadically, as if the source was a fire.

"Shit, Zarah!" you hurriedly move down from above the trees to the forest floor, only to then scurry through the brambles in the direction of the flame light as quickly as you could. The closer you got the more clear you could hear the voices, and they all certainly didn't belong to Zarah. You could hear the cries of angered men yelling, and occasionally you could hear Zarah scream and growl like an angry dog.

Eventually, you tumbled out of the jungle to your destination, only to see a large, redwood ship beyond the shore  and on the sand a large group of red hooded figures, with flames emmiting from their hands. Zarah stood there as well, facing them. She began swinging her arms, summoning vines that shot out at them, but their fire fists were fast, and you could see the vines flinch and curl once they came in contact with the heat.

You didn't understand what was going on, but you didn't have the time to, so you ran out and stood between Zarah and the group "Zarah, stay back!" You held your arms out and puffed up your chest.

"Ocean, these guys need to get away from our island!" Zarah barred her teeth.

"Step away, for that child is a monster!" A bearded man in the front announced.

"Hey, isn't that the goddess of oceans?" A skinny faced man pointed out.

The sound of a collective group realization emits from the the men, and they gently lessen their flames.

"Goddess," the bearded one stepped forward "I wouldn't associate myself with that girl if I were you, for she cannot be trusted!"

The men around him raised their arms, ready to throw flame balls once instructed.

"Now back away, and we will deal with her," he continued.

"What?" You look on at them in disgust "She's just a kid! You're going to kill her because you're afraid of her powers?"

"Goddess," beardy pleads "you obviously haven't seen what she truly is, if you protect her, she just might be the end of you".

His ominous words made you curious, you would admit, but you turned and looked down at Zarah behind you.

She looked exhausted, sweaty and dirty from fight for who knows how long. You glance at her arm and her left cheek and see large, bleeding burn marks on her skin. The sorry sight of the small girl sent you into a rage. Knowing full well you alone couldn't take on all those fire mages, you instead picked up Zarah with no hesitation, and sped into the woods.

Upon entering the woods, you felt heat graze you from fire balls that nearly hit you directly, but you managed to dodge.

Zarah began thrashing "No! Let me go, they need to die!" she screamed bloody murder.

With every running stride you felt the ground move under you. In Zarah's fit of rage, she was making plants go along your path, making it exceedingly harder to maneuver even more through the thicket in the night.

You make it over halfway acrossed the island before you run into a cave. You stopped, Zarah leaning over your shoulder and sobbing, you take a breath. You were so focused on running you didn't realize how badly your feet were throbbing, and your lungs were burning as well, causing you to cough. You decide to stop there for the night, hoping the cave would provide good coverage from those you ran from.

You gently sat Zarah down on a smooth spot of rock, not being able to stop shaking from anxiety.

"Zarah, it's alright," you coo to her "we're far from the beach, we're safe here for the night".

"The humans," she clutched onto her knees and pulled them close to her chest "I hate them!"

You sigh, now understanding her fear: surely that wasn't a new situation for her.

As she spoke the plants she was making grow began to slow down, and the encrouging greenery stopped just a little past the cave's entance. You sat beside Zarah until she eventually tired herself out, and fell asleep. Despite your need to rest, you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You mind raced, wondering what exactly was going on at the shore, and what was to come of it later. You couldn't bare to see Zarah get hurt again, and it was practically torturous for her when you just tried cleaning her burn wounds. The best thing you could think of doing in that moment was stay awake and keep watch until morning came.

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