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It was late afternoon and the life boats were finally hitting the shore, one by one. Harun stood and looked down and out at all the new arrivals while Zarah nervously cowered behind his leg. The one called Aladdin flew to the front of the group on his magic carpet and gave Zarah a friendly wave. All she did in return was glare at him with a stone-like expression.

Up from behind Aladdin approached a man with long purple hair and dazzling jewelry.

"Well I'll be damned," said the man as he held onto his turban as he looked up at Harun's face "you are Harun, aren't you?"

"It's good to see you again, King Sinbad!" Harun flashed him a friendly smile.

"There are too many humans here, Harun," Zarah grumbled, anxious about the whole situation.

"What about that guy?" Harun replied to the worried girl while pointing at Dracon: a giant, humanoid dragon-looking man.

Seeing someone who looked like that was very foreign and frightening to Zarah, and Harun noticed her slip further back from everyone even more.

"So...," Sinbad cleared his throat nervously "I hear Y/N's on this island with you?"

"That is correct," Harun nodded affirmatively.

"Good, well then...," Sinbad looked flushed, and changed the subject "Aladdin also said the supposed Monster on the island that can control plants was actually a small girl? I'm I correct in saying that?"

"Uh, I-I wouldn't call her a monster," Harun looked a bit offended by Sinbad's description "but she is a very talented young lady. Come on out, Zarah!"

Reluctantly, Zarah stepped out from behind Harun with just slight hesitation.

"Hi there. Zarah, is it? My name is Sinbad," he reached a friendly hand out to her.

Zarah just stared at him, holding her clutched fists close to her chest.

Sinbad noticed a shimmer from one of her hands, and suavely turned his attempted handshake into a curious point at the source "That ring, did Y/N give that to you?"

Zarah's eyes widened and she scurried back behind Harun.

"Sorry, she's not a fan of people," Harun explained "at least shy is better than actively trying to kill you, right?"

With that, a tight knot of vines swiped at Sinbad, grabbing him by the arms and pulling his body to the ground, falling down on his knees leaning in the sand. The generals dropped what they were doing and lunged forward in attempts to protect their king.

"Zarah, let him go!" Harun demanded.

"He asked about Y/N, and you said that she didn't want to see him anymore!" Zarah defended.

Just before the life boats arrived, Harun explained what 'breaking up' was in a way where Harun didn't have to explain their romantic relationship. Basically "Y/N no longer wants to see him anymore" was the result of that.

"Zarah, you can't keep flip-flopping like this!" Harun was visibly angry and frustrated as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

The generals were now surrounding the immobilized Sinbad, holding weapons high in defense.

"Generals, fall back!" Sinbad barked.

The generals glanced at him in disbelief.

"For real, Sinbad? That girl seems a bit unstable and has got you pinned already!" Sharkkon pointed out with deep concern.

"My order is final," Sinbad sighed as the generals cleared the line of sight between him and Zarah.

Sinbad looked up with tired, puppy eyes. He looked right at Zarah, who looked so unbelievably flustered and scared.

"Zarah, I just really want to know about the ring because I was the one who gave it to Y/N in the first place," Sinbad explained in a soft voice.

"You did?" Zarah blinked.

"It's true," Harun nodded.

"Y/N passed it on to you so Harun could be out of the vessel, I guess," Sinbad smiled, making Zarah feel slightly less fearful toward him.

Zarah looked at the vessel that kept Harun around, and looked back up at Sinbad. Eventually she released him and he tenderly rubbed the red marks around his wrists as he stood back up.

Haru suddenly was struck by his idea again "Sinbad, Y/N is injured! Aladdin said Yamraiha may be able to help!"

"What about me helping who?" a scantily clad witch stepoed beside Sinbad and was intrigued by her name being spoken.

"Hurt? How bad is she?" Sinbad looked frazzled by the news.

Harun shook his head "It's bad enough for the two of us to be absolutely no help for her".

"Where is she?" Yamraiha determinly asked clutching onto the knapsack strap hung around her shoulder.

Harun shows both her and Sinbad the shack you were staying in not to far from the fire pit on the beach.

Sinbad leading, he hesitates at the door. He once strode with such determination and vigor with worry, but now faultered. He felt his heart pound like heavy drums in his chest as he finally realized you were waiting just behind the door.

"Move it already!" Yamraiha gave Sinbad a shove out of her way as she made her way inside.

Sinbad couldn't seem to muster a word in response. It was like he was frozen stiff, his lip becoming raw from anxiously biting it. He realized it was probably best that he didn't go in, for you probably didn't want to see him as much as he wanted to see you.

Composing himself, Sinbad turned to Harun "What happened exactly? Is she really that bad?"

Harun sighed and looked at Zarah from afar. She was being bashful while Aladdin looked to be talking her ear off.

"It was a training accident," Harun admitted.

"Training accident?" Sinbad repeated, wanting to know more.

"Zarah went too crazy with her powers and...," Harun looked pained "It's just a shame that water can't heal her anymore".

Sinbad's ears perked up when Zarah's name instead, and he turned his head and eyed her "I see".

Sinbad faced Harun again, gulping before choosing his words "I was told that there was a monster on this island, but now I learn it's just a little girl? You mean to tell me a rumor like that was made because of a scared child with super human abilities?"

Harun shrugged "I guess so".

Sinbad bit his thumb in thought, not liking the sound of that Zarah girl whatsoever, and what became of you after meeting her.

Forget Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now