Sailing Blues

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Journal Entry One,
I decided to make notes about my voyage, for I don't have a lot to do while the ship doesn't need management. I also think it'd be fun to keep a log of things that happen at sea on a daily basis. If Harun were around again, I'd much rather talk to him, but I guess this will do instead.

Journal Entry Five,
It has been almost a week on the open sea and there has been no sign of pirates! Granted, I'm not looking for them, so I guess that's a good thing, but I do wish something challenging would happen. As much as I love the water, it's just a carpet of boring blue after awhile.

Journal Entry Sixteen,
I'm getting really tired of eating rice, and my fishing isn't going too well either. I thought I'd might make a pit stop for a full meal, but I didn't want to waste time. I'm hoping to find an island to explore! Or at least any mysterious mass of land.

Jornal Entry Twenty?
I wanted to ignore the elefnt in te room, but I just cant anymore: I just can't stop hinking about my Sinbad! I miss Sin sooooo much, so very very very very much. I want to hold him and talk to him and kiss him and... y'know, other gown up stufff. I also booze all the drank and I soooo sad about it!!! Everything I do hertz me!

Journal Entry Twenty-One,
I didn't remember writing a journal entry for yesterday, but it looks like I did. I hope I'll be able to write one for tomorrow too, for I see some storm clouds running in, so that could mean some big trouble for me. I guess I'm not really at all who I used to be....


As soon as you set the journal down, a dropping feeling in your gut made you nearly sick. Perhaps it was the nerves of the adventure finally getting to you, or maybe it was an animal instinct inside of you letting you know that you should fear what would occur next.

You heard the distant rumbles of thunder just tickle your eardrums from afar. You simply leaned back in your chair, rhythmically tapping your finger tips on the table beside you.

Again, you heard the roaring thunder in the distance and exhaled deeply.

"It's fine," you calmly told yourself "if I just go above deck and prep for the storm, I'll get through it no problem.  Powers or not, I have the strength to make it".

With casual strides, you poked your head through the door leading to the deck of the ship. You were surprised to notice that the cluster of dark storm clouds were vastly more closer to your ship than just ten minutes before when you first saw them. You also noted the sails that were struggling under the aggressive wind really wanted to swing themselves in another direction.

Slightly showing some panic, you leapt on the deck, pulling the ropes to steady the sails so them and the wind could cooperate better. You were strong, but even this magnitude of force that the ropes were being subjected to was pushing your limits. With a jump and a slight swinging motion, you tied the ropes so the sails were no longer fighting as hard.

With a confident sigh, you admired your work, only for your pride to be interrupted by a BANG from right behind it. The sudden alarm sent you stumbling forward out of surprise.

"Holy shit!" you regained your footing and turned around sharply "That must have hit really close!"

Just to add salt to your wound, you felt the ship under you take a sudden dip, and what followed was a giant wave crashing on board, spraying you with buckets worth of water. You stood there, drenched, spitting the salt from your mouth.

"Oh boy," you shook off some drips, but soon learned that would proove to be worthless to do so.

As time progressed the storm grew stronger, each strike of lightning seeming to be inches closer than the last, and the thunder roared as loud as ever. You gripped tightly to the wheel, being sure to stay on your constant course while avoiding as many big waves as possible. Waves continued to crash over the deck below, but, for the most part, you stayed high and dry on the upper deck— from the ocean water at least, for it had been raining like crazy.

Despite the downpour, your vision was clear, and you kept a focused head through the storm ahead of you. Your confidence was lit aflame once again because you had proven to yourself that you could still hold your own while sailing solo at sea.

You then heard a thick SNAP, and something in the direction that that gut wrenching sound had come from caught your eye. You looked up and saw a rope that had the sail set in place had been ripped right through, and you saw the sail it belonged to start drifting on its own with the wind. Meanwhile, you also spotted a massive wave building up ahead.

You were then torn, unsure which problem to tackle first, but you had believed that that monster wave had made up your mind for you, as it was nearly on top of you just before you motioned the ship's wheel to make a sharp turn away from it.

In the nick of time, the angle you caught the wave at caused you to be carried by the immense rush of water instead of being overcome by it. But, to your misfortune, your sail didn't agree with the sudden change in direction, and it to spun rapidly, eventually colliding the sails pole in front of it, manifesting a horrid crack in borh pieces of wood.

"Holy shit..." you could do nothing but watch in udder horror.

Before your very eyes you saw the giant mast breakaway, and begin tipping to the left, falling with immense force. That only was a distraction for you, however, and you didn't get the chance to see it fall. At that time, another massive wave had built itself up behind you, crashing its way down on top of you when you back was turned. Your feet no longer felt the safety of solid ground, and your lungs filled with water as your vision turned black.

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