Healing Tree

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Sinbad, his friends, and his generals stopped and stared at Zarah, all listening intently.

Sinbad raised a curious eyebrow while looking down at her "Save Y/N? How?"

Zarah opened her mouth to speak again, but found herself without the words. Her eyes darted to the side, glancing at all the onlookers beside her, and she felt her ears get hot.

Sinbad noted her stagefright and faced his group. He began shooing them away "Alright, privacy, please! Go back to your buisness".

They reluctantly did as their king requested, still trying to eavesdrop while they did their own things, however.

Sinbad, Yamraiha, Zarah and Aladdin were the only ones gathered together then.

"Is this better?" Sinbad gestured to their small group.

Zarah nodded, taking a nervous gulp.

"Okay, tell us what you're thinking," Sinbad encouraged.

"Alright," Zarah began "Y/N needs to go to the giant tree".

"The what?" Yamraiha asked.

Zarah pointed to the collasle, magic tree that she sized up not too long ago, and was poking out up above all the other trees in the forest.

"Uh huh," Sinbad crossed his arms "And why is that?"

"Because that tree can take the bad stuff away," Zarah tried to explain.

"Bad stuff? Like you can make healing powders with it?" Yamraiha asked.

Zarah shook her head "It will take out the poison from her body if she gets close enough".

"How do you know this for sure?" Sinbad asked, intruged by the out-of-the-blue tip.

"I just... know," Zarah looked away, getting a little bit shy again.

Sinbad sighed "Alright, Aladdin, I need you to get Y/N using that magic carpet of yours, and be gentle!"

"Can do!" Aladdin's turban unraveled from his head and flew off to your shack, Aladdin following suit. Shortly after, the carpet glided back out with you wrapped inside it like a human burrito.

"Alright, is there anything else we need to do before we all go?" Sinbad asked one last time.

"Wait, only you and me are going. No one else," Zarah scowled.

"What?" Aladdin looked heart broken.

"Oh? Why is that?" Yamraiha asked curiously.

"Because-" Zarah paused "I-it just doesn't concern you".

Yamraiha laughed at her childish ways "Okay Zarah, we'll stay here. Right, Aladdin?"

Aladdin was struggling to hold back a frown as he sniffled "Yeah, I suppose".


"Almost there," Zarah called back to Sinbad, who was following her through the forest from behind.

Sinbad stepped over the brambles on the ground as your bundled up body was carried beside him through the open air in the magic carpet. You were half awake at that point, and your tired eyes were locked on to Sinbad, and he noticed. He seemed a bit high strung at the time, but the level of concern behind his straight faced expression was clear.

"You're going to be okay soon, Y/N," he said quietly to you "I know Zarah won't let you down".

You didn't have the strength to speak, all you could do was keep breathing steadily, and gently shut your eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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