The Kids Are Alright

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Back in Sindria, the bustling streets seemed a little more dreary. The residents appeared to lack their usual morale and pep, making the downtown area a little more drab to onlookers. It seemed like everyone was in a mopey mood, and it was because of their depressed king who hadn't been his usual, fun self for months.

Sinbad sat at his desk, slouching as he looked over important documents that he couldn't help but reread over and over again just to try and comprehend. He'd been at this for so long that he gave up for the time being, laying the papers down, throwing his head back, and sighing as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. His ears perked up when he heard a knock at the door.

"King Sinbad, it's me," Jaafar's voice rang from the other side "Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin are here to see you!"

"Alright," Sinbad leaned up, getting better posture while adjusting himself in his chair "Let them in".

The large door to Sinbad's office swung open and in flew a small, bluehaired boy on a white, magic carpet. He was then followed by a blonde, confident-looking, young man, and a stern, redhead girl who lacked shoes.

Sinbad, although mentally and emotionally drained, gave a strained smile at his long time pals who had just entered "What a surprise; I wasn't expecting you three back in Sindria anytime soon!"

"Well, neither were we, actually," the blonde boy known as Alibaba rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.

"Hiya, Sinbad," Aladdin, jumping from his magic carpet as it wrapped up into a turban on his head, greeted "It's so nice to see you!"

The girl, Morgiana, gave a small wave in Sinbad's way "Hey".

"So," Sinbad comtinued, gesturing for them to sit on the sofa, "what brings you guys by?"

The group of three sat down, as Alibaba began to explain "Well, we actually thought we could use your help-"

Aladdin gave an exaggerated head nod as Alibaba continued.

"We were sailing with this shipping company when we had to make an emergency pit stop for one of the crew members. We rolled up on the shore of this unknown island, even the navigator was even astounded to find it there!"

Aladdin then interjected excitedly "This island was pretty big when I flew over it, and it was entirely made of jungle!"

"An undiscovered jungle island, you say?" Sinbad was intruged.

"Well-" Alibaba nervously started "That's what we thought anyway".

"There is a monster living there," Morgiana put it bluntly.

Sinbad raised an eyebrown, leaning intently forward in his chair.

"While I was flying over the place," Aladdin continued "I saw trees moving oddly. When I dove to take a closer look, a giant fly trap reached over the trees and snapped at me! Then a bunch of vines came up and tried grabbing me, and got my carpet instead. I tried using my magic to fight it, and I did enough for it to let my carpet go, but it only came back stronger! I got out of there quickly and told everyone at the shore."

"It was crazy," Alibaba added "After Aladdin returned, the ground started shaking, like something huge was running at us through the jungle. We all tried boarding the ship as fast as we could, but a lot of the crew got left behind. We began to sail away when we saw this giant, four legged tree creature crash out of the forest. I saw it grab some of the crew and-" Alibaba stopped, his voice cracking slightly.

"We lost a lot of innocent people," Morgiana explained "so we need your help to stop this thing that did this".

Sinbad blinks blankly at the trio, nervously picking at his fingernails while doing so.

Forget Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now