Welcome To The Jungle

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Gour eyes opened, and you couldn't help but moan in pain as you felt all the muscles in your body reminisce the activities the night prior at sea had you face. The sun was high in the sky, and you had to block the glare from your newly awakened retinas. The ringing in your ears subsided once you sat up from laying on your back, and you shook out all the salt water from in your ears, making the muffled noises of the ocean tide around you much more clearer. The sound was epecially crisp now because you apparently were sitting in the tide, feeling the gentle current of each wave splash against your legs at a steady, rhythmic pace. Your clothes were absolutely drenched too, and the wet sand you were sitting upon wasn't helping with that problem. Looking around, you noticed that the sandy beach you washed up on stretched as far as you could see to your left and right sides. Not too far from you as well you saw your boat- or what was left of it. The frame looked recognizable, but you wouldn't call it a ship anymore, for if you were to sail it it would be flooded with water in no time. Without wasting more time, you got up from your sorry position and made your way to the wreckage you once called your mighty ship, hoping that you could salvage anything of use to you to help you explore this land mass you washed up onto.


For the most part, sadly, a lot of your items seemed to have washed away, and the remaining food that wasn't fruits or vegitables were soaked and unedible. You wouldn't last long on those rations; they were already turning bad due to time. Thus you prepped a spear that survived the storm, along with a satchel acrossed your back and made your way to the dense jungle area away from the beach.

If only you had a machete for the underbrush of this jungle, because its winding roots and thick bushes in particular was hard to navigate around. Vines were tangled every which way, making it increasingly more difficult to walk in a straight line. You used your spear the best you could to push away branches from your face, but that could only do so much.

"Aw, fuck it!" you cursed to yourself, impatiently putting the wooden spear handle inbetween your teeth as you reached your hands up to some thick vines above you. You began to climb the webbing-like greenery, getting yourself closer and closer to daylight. The trees were massive, and your arms were beginning to tire the longer you climbed. Finally, you pushed past the huge leaves making it past the canopy at the very top. You poked your head out and got a good look at the land you were taking on.

"Oh dear-" you looked on, eyes widening.

All you saw before you was the dense layer of leaves going on and on for miles ahead of you. There were no signs of a clearing anywhere nearby, and to the side of you was just ocean after the jungle ended.

Forelornly, you climbed your way down back to the forest floor, feeling hopeless about your endeavor.

"This is just great," you sighed angrily "No sign of civilization at all!"

You rubbed your eyes, feeling the dread of your unknown fate start to overtake you.

Well, I did ask for an adventure, but I don't have as much supplies as what I was hoping for.

Just then, underneath the sound of birds cawing, frogs chirping, and bugs buzzing, you heard a sudden rustling noise come from the way you were heading. You looked up, ears perked, and spear at the ready. The rustling approached closer and closer until you noticed the bushes nearby shaking the leaves as it drew in.  You rose your spear above your head, hoping for this to be a next potential meal. To your surprise, a brown figure leaped from the underbrush, and it was clearly no animal. Startled, you couldn't help but yell out and fumble, trying to misdirect your spear instead, for the thing that came your way looked to be a little girl.

She had light brown skin with dark brown, scraggly long hair and blue eyes, wearing a simple, scratchy looking tunic to boot. She was crouched, much like a frog, and her facial expression looked animalistic.

"H-hello little girl!" you felt the need to take it upon yourself and be a responsible adult in the presence of a child "What are you doing here? Are your parents nearby?"

"Go away!" The small girl, who you assumed was no more than 10-years-old, growled.

"Excuse me?" you were confused more than anything as you looked on at this angry kid yelling at you.

"If you don't leave this island now I will kill you!"

"Kill me?" you couldn't help but laugh at the thought. Looking at her, she was basically a frail little thing. No meat or muscle, basically "Listen, just tell me where your parents are and I can make sure you get to them safely-"

You slowly step toward her, a generous hand held out her way, but she hisses at you.

"Back off, or else!" the jungle girl roared.

"Okay, okay-" you stiffen, taking a step back.

Out of nowhere the girl lunged at you, snatching the spear out of your hand with ease.

"Wh- hey!" startled by her speed, you hardly hesitate to chase after her through the thick vegitation.

She, unlike you, is small and nimble. You being the goddess of the oceans for all your life, had some trouble accommodating to the terrain. Especially when you noticed that the thicket slowly began to move unnaturally, as if it was growing before your very eyes. Before you realized what was happening, you felt something wrap around your ankles.

"Gah!" you cry out, stumbling forward, flat on your face.

You lift your torso up with your arms, looking back to see a massive vine wrapping itself up your legs. You move your glare forward, catching a glimps of the girl one last time before disappearing deeper into the jungle.

The speed at which the vines grew picked up its pace considerably as it began to inch over the rest of your body, stopping just before your head. You were immoblized on the forest floor as you felt the wicked plant tighten its grasp on you. You began to lose the ability to breathe as you gasped desperately for air. Oxygen depleating, you couldn't help but fall unconscious.

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