Bloody Waters

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Back in Sindria, the docks were busy with scrambling people getting ready for their big sailing adventure, including Sinbad and his generals, also Aladdin, Morgiana and Alibaba.

Among the chaos of prepping a ship, Sinbad was standing off to the side, staring at the wide, clear ocean with empty eyes.

"Sinbad?" Alibaba approached from behind, causing the King to turn his head a look his way.

"Hm? Oh, Alibaba," Sinbad forced a weak smile "Are you ready for the trip?"

"Er- well, yes," Alibaba answered "But that's not why I came over here,"

Sinbad raised an eyebrows at the young man.

"I just find it... odd to see you so down like this," Alibaba voiced his concern "I know you mentioned why, but it's still strange considering how you usually are with women".

Sinbad's gaze darted away and he cleared his throat "Well, I guess I shouldn't stand here all morning. I'll go ahead and help prep the boat with everyone".

"Sinbad, don't change the subject!" Alibaba's voice cracked as he called out the King of Sindria.

His outburst caught Sinbad off guard, leaving the King to halt and stare with wide eyes.

"There is something more to that breakup that's hurting you," Alibaba put his hands on Sin's shoulders, forcing him to look him in the eyes "You need to talk about it Sinbad, if not to me, then someone else, or else you're going to be mopey the entire trip".

Sinbad's stiff upperlip quivered as his eyes locked onto Alibaba who stared at him dead in the face. Sin eventually lowered his shoulders and sighed.

"Alibaba, you are right," Sinbad gestured Alibaba to follow him aboard the ship and into Sinbad's private quarters.

As the door shut behind Alibaba, Sinbad walked over and sat on the wooden stool beside a writing table in the far corner of the small space.

Sinbad sighed, nervously playing with the fabric from his sleeve "You see Alibaba, the reason why I'm so... out of it is because-"

Alibaba leaned in, listening intently as he sat on the firm bed acrossed from Sinbad.

"Y/N and I were actually planning on having a baby," Sinbad had to rub his eyes with his hands as he forced himself to speak.

Alibaba was taken by surprise, his mouth falling agape "A baby? Really?! But Sinbad, I thought you said before you didn't want to have children".

Sinbad nodded, unable to audibly say a thing.

"Wow," Alibaba subtly shook his head in astonishment "you must have really liked her, huh?"

"I do..." Sinbad covered his eyes with a stiff hand "I-I don't know what I did wrong. She said she didn't love me anymore, and implied I was being selfish".

"... Were you?"

"No! ... I don't know," Sinbad had to turn away for a moment "It happened so sudden".

Alibaba couldn't say more, but stood up and put a supportive hand on the broken man's shoulder "I'll make sure this trip keeps your mind occupied on other things, okay?"

Sinbad nodded, chewying on his bottom lip anxiously.

"Just-" Alibaba comtinued "don't be afraid to talk to me if you need to".

With that, Alibaba left, leaving the King of Sindria alone with slightly lighter shoulders.


Forget Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now