Put On Your Mask

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It had been six months since Sinbad had asked you if you wanted to have a baby, but yet, you still had not managed to get pregnant. In the beginning, you both tried staying positive about it, being sure not to let your internal distress show to the public; you both wanted to keep that plan of yours to yourselves as your own little surprise project. The more time that passed, you could tell that the lack of progress on having a child was getting to Sinbad. During occasions where he seemed confident and happy around you, you couldn't help but notice his crestfallen expression, and a pain he hid behind his eyes. Seeing him like this, it cut you like a knife. So, despite your sworn secrecy, you were the one who suggested on getting private doctor exams to see if something was out of both of your control. All you wanted was to make Sin happy, after all.

"Are you sure?" Sinbad's eyes lit up, but there was still obvious anxiety in his voice "But no one outside of us was supposed to know, are you okay with that?"

"Sin," you rested your arms on his that were placed on your waist, and stroked your thumbs against his tight forearms, as you looked up at him hopefully "it's a doctor: Patient confidentiality is kind of their thing. I don't mind if they're the only other one that knows, and I know they won't tell".

"They better not; I want this to be a surprise for all of Sindria!" Sinbad cheered "And, just to be sure, we can visit my personal, royal, trusted doctor".

You nodded in agreement "Sounds good, dear".

"But-" Sinbad added "we won't do the usual home visits, no no, Ja'far might suspect something if I summon a doctor out of the blue. We have to go to the office, separately, so we don't arouse suspicion".

You bit your lip, hiding the fact that Sinbad's eagerness seemed a bit much to you, but you didn't press it further.


As soon as Sinbad got home from his appointment with the royal Doctor, Dr. Basir, he couldn't stop talking about how fertile he was. He paraded around while you two were alone, like he was wearing a badge of honor. Obviously, you got the picture that everything went well. The following day, it was your turn.

Dr. Basir was the Master of Medicine, or that's what Sinbad referred to him as, at least. But, from what you understood, he also worked with magic, that's what made him such a good Doctor. He was able to make advances in medicine because of the incantations he had perfected, along with his knowledge of potion making. On paper, he did sound impressive, but in person, you weren't so sure, especially by the way he came back from getting your results:

"Sooooo," you filled in the empty air as Dr. Basir was scribbling out something on a piece of parchment "find anything interesting you'd like to tell me?"

You had been in his office sitting on the table for a good forty minutes after he checked you out and took the samples that he needed. The Doctor had been back for a good ten of those minutes, but he hadn't even said a word to you; he just sat down and started writing something down.

"Hm, Mrs. Sinbad?" Dr. Basir adjusted his thin glasses, looking at you quizzically.

"My tests, Doctor," you remained civil despite him not knowing your name or relationship status with Sinbad "did you learn anything from them- my tests?"

"Yes yes yes, but what was your question about them again?" he looked back down at his work and continued writing away.

You remained level headed while talking through your teeth "My boyfriend wants to have a baby, I wanted you to tell me if I was healthy enough for that? Do you have any suggestions, or did you see any issues?"

Forget Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now