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Harun bounded across the beach over to Zarah, where he then picked her up in his giant hand and threw her into the nearby ocean.

A sudden, shocking chill ran through Zarah's body as she hit the water. Her once rabid and almost demonic-looking demeanor dissipated as if it was washed away by the sea. She kicked herself up to bring her head above to the surface, spitting up sea water and coughing for air.

As she looked to the shore she saw Harun crouching, but no sign of you. Zarah couldn't honestly remember what events had just occured, but there was something in her gut that tumbled, making her feel anxious.

Harun was kneeling beside you, gently scooping you into his hands. Zarah, meanwhile, had trudged her way back onto land, getting a better look to see your limp, bleeding body nestled in Harun's palm.

Zarah felt a shiver go down her spine as the memories came flooding back, and she couldn't help but freeze. She saw that you were drifting in and out of consciousness as your head was horribly bashed and brused. Your left arm was also worse for wear— giant bloody scraped stretching down it— as you tried clutching onto it with your other arm for comfort, but it was to no avail since you were so weak.

"Oh no," Zarah's gut wrenched and tears began to roll down her cheeks. She ran over to Harun, panicked "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"Step away, Zarah!" Harun barked at the girl.

Zarah was taken aback by the Djinn's anger, and nervously stepped away cautiously.

Harun's face wasn't angry, however, but visibly flustered. He couldn't trust Zarah in that moment because she could easily still be very reactive near you— or at least that was his theory on what had happened— and yet he could hardly do anything helpful for you do to his ginormous size.

Eventually Harun ordered Zarah to prep your cabin for you to rest. Harun tried his best to dress your wounds through the exposed roof he had just removed, but ultimately Zarah was the one who had to do it per his instruction. Luckily nothing like before happened, and Zarah remained stable, but she still felt extremely guilty for hurting you so badly.

But then the sun had went down, and Harun and Zarah finally left you be to fully rest— which was hard to do still because of the pain you were in.

Harun sat crosslegged on the beach nearby infront of a small campfire with Zarah, who sat with her head hiding in her knees.

"Is Y/N going to get better?" Zarah's small voice was mopey as she asked.

"I don't know," Harun answered honestly, shaking his head "we don't have the right supplies to aid her. Her arm is broken, and her head is cracked open. I only had you so as best we could with what we have".

With that, Zarah began to get choked up, followed but an overwhelming waterfall of tears "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I saw her hand and I just-"

"I know, it was only an accident. I think smelling her blood triggered something inside you to act like that. So for now, just stay away from her as much as you can".

Your eyes were wide open and you could clearly hear their conversation outside. All you could do was sigh, hating how this whole thing was just discuraging Zarah from her powers even more. Oh how you wished you could be healed by just walking into the ocean like you once could, but that time had long passed.


Eventually you had managed to fall asleep at some point in the night, only to be woken up by an unfamiliar sound coming from outside.

"Huh?" you moan, your body feeling more refreshed from the night prior, but the pain was still apparent.

With your well arm you rubbed your eyes with your hand, careful to not mess with your bandages too much

Listening harder to the noise, you recognized them as voices, but it was more than just Harun and Zarah's— way more. You were suddenly on edge, worrying about Zarah and how she would react, and especially what they wanted exactly.

Who are they? What should I do?

Your scrambled thoughts only made you more discombobulated. But then, you heard the door to your little shack creak open. You dart your eyes over, not wanting to arch your neck, but you squint from the sunshine seeping in through the opening. There you saw a familiar yet unexpected figure standing in the light.

Forget Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now