This can't be happening

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While you're walking somone bumps into you on the street, and you fall. When you're about to get up, u see Cameron Dallas standing in front of you. He takes your hand and he helps you back up again. He is staring at you, like you're the most beautiful girl in the world, but all that comes out of his mouth is
C:"Hi I'm Cameron"
U:"I know who u are, I love you".
He doesn't say that he loves you back, just continues to stare at you. Then he realized he did'nt apologize.
C:"I forgot to say I'm sorry, are u okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay"
He looks you in the eyes and says
C: wow, u are so beautiful..Will u please go on a date with me?
U: OMG, are u serious??? YES
Cam: "why don't u give me your phonenumber, I will to text u"

You "OMG cam, you're really asking me and actually want to know my phonenumber"
Cam "I need to text you so you know when I'm picking u up for a date"
U: oh yeah sure (and u write it down on his phone
C: Thank u (he looks down at his phone , and says your name) that's a beautiful name
U: well thanks, but I did'nt choose it
C: haha you're funny too

Hii!! I have written a lot more, so if anyone finds my story interesting I will post more :)

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