One million dollars

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I had been trying to get in contact with y/n for weeks, but she never replied. I was starting to get worried about her. Something must have happened, because it was unlikely of her to ignore me. I sent a text to Nash

Hey, have you heard from y/n lately?

Nash: No, not in a while...

I think something may have happened, because she never responds to my calls or texts.

Nash: Shall we check her house before we come to a conclusion?

Good idea, I'll pick you up in five minutes.

C: Do you see anyone?

Nash was staring inside her windows.

N: No one's home...

C: What do you think we should do?

N: Where would she be if she's not here?

C: Uhm...You tell me, where do you think?

N: I don't think she would be anywhere else to be honest.

C: Wait, the other day I met her in Universal Studios. She was there with a guy...I think his name is Tyler

N: Do you know his whole name?

C: No, I've never heard of him before.

N: Then we are back to nothing...

C: Maybe we should report this?

N: No wait...

Nash checked out his phone where he had just gotten a text from unknown ID

I have the girl you're looking for. You'll get her back for one million dollars. Show up in Long Beach, in exactly one week, at 12 AM. Come alone, if you bring the police, or anyone else, I'll kill you.

What the hell did Nash just read?

C: How are we gonna get one million dollars in a week?

N: We don't have that much money

C: Do you know someone who has?

N: Let me think...JUSTIN BIEBER

C: Call him!!


I was worried about y/n. I wanted to help her, she must be so scared.

N: Hi Justin, it's me Nash...

J: Hi bro! Why are you calling this late?

N: I don't know how to tell you this...Y/n is kidnapped, and they want one million dollars to release her. I don't have that much money right now, but I'm gonna sell my house...Was just wondering if I could loan from you! I'm really worried!

J: Of course I'll help you!

N: Thanks man, you're a lifesaver.

J: No problem! Hope she's okay!

N: Me too! I'll talk to you later then...

J: Let me know if everything went well!

I was so relieved. I knew Justin would help me; he was always there when I needed him.

C: So? I'm guessing he wanted to help!

N: Yup, I'm gonna send a text to the unknown ID that I'll meet him in Long Beach in one week.

C: Good!


I was lying in my bed thinking about y/n. I was so nervous, and felt so sorry for her. I wished she was here with me. At least I wished I knew where she was, and if she was safe. Who am I kidding, the unknown man was trouble. He had probably tortured her. I couldn't sleep thinking about all the things that could have happened to her by now.


The floor was freezing. I was lying on the cold ground, bleeding from my nose. I had lost a lot of blood. I was so scared. The cellar had no lights. I heard someone talking.

Unknown 1: He will give us one million dollars in one week.

Unknown 2: Won't she die before that?

Unknown 1: She might, she's lost a lot of blood.

Unknown: 2: Do you still have those blood bags?

Unknown 1: I might have, check the freezer.

Unknown 2: You need to give the right blood type though!

Unknown 1: Yeah, I'm not stupid...

What? Were they helping me now after almost draining my body from blood? I passed out now and then. I was painful to face reality. I wanted to stay unconscious. Would anyone notice that I'm gone? Probably not, no one had texted me or bothered to call. Guess they're all done with my pointless dramas. I thought me and Nash had some kind of connection, guess I was wrong. I started crying. Why was my life so screwed up? It was unbelievable. I was hungry, thirsty, scared, all these feelings at once. How could Tyler put me through all of this? I guess I should stay with the celebrities, but it may be too late now that they're all gone.

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