Team Nash, or team Cam?

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Cameron's POV

I got awakened by a sound "Nash, I love you too". She was dreaming.I felt like I had betrayed my friend, but I was also jealous. He got to have the most amazing girl in the world. She was beautiful, smart and funny. I just wished I didn't let her go.


Cameron: Wake up!

U: Cameron? Is this a dream?

C: Do you remember what happened yesterday?

U: I kissed you.

C: And?

U: Nash kissed another girl

C: Are you going to talk to him today?

U: Yup, I'm going to do it now. Goodbye Cameron, I will text you later

Nash's POV

I woke up outside the bar me and my girlfriend had been to yesterday. I couldn't remember anything from after I had left the bathroom. I had no idea what had happened last night, and why I was lying on the ground outside. I saw y/n walking toward me, she looked both angry, and upset.

y/n: why the hell did you make out with the blonde girl, yesterday?

Nash: I did what?

y/n: I saw you, you can't get away with this.

Nash: I would never cheat on you, you're the only one I want.

Then it hit me, It had to be the nice guy. He had probably given me something, a drug or anything.

She walked away from me, with tears in her eyes. I yelled. STOP. She turned around.

Nash: I was drugged...A nice guy came into the bathroom, I was upset that you danced with Cameron. He handed over a drink, and I can't remember anything after that.

Y/n: Omg Nash, can't believe you are so desperate that you are telling me lies. Goodbye, Nash.

She ran away from me, and I was left alone.

Your POV

I couldn't believe he could sink that low. Giving me lies, but I felt like he was telling the truth in some kind of way. I was heartbroken. I had cheated. I needed to go home, and think about all the drama. It was all too much.

Text from Cameron :* "Have you talked to Nash"

"Yeah, he told me he was drugged"

Cameron: "Do you believe him?"

"I don't know yet, need to think about it."

Then I heard someone knocking on my door, it was Nash.

U: What are you doing here, Nash?

N: I love you, y/n. I swear, I was drugged last night. I don't remember anything. You need to trust me.

I could see from the look in his eyes, that he was telling me the truth...

U: Nash, I have something to tell you. You're not going to like it.

N: What? Tell me!

U: I kissed Cameron, and slept at his house...

N: You did what? I can't believe you would do that to me. It's over.

U: forgive me, Nash. I love you.

N: You cheated on me.

U: You cheated too.

N: Not on purpose, sorry I can't do this anymore y/n

He left me, feeling like an idiot. I didn't know what to do. I could always turn back to Cameron, but legends say that you should never try to relight an old flame.

Text from Cameron "how's it going?"

U: "not good, we broke up"

C: "I'm here for you. Come over whenever you want"

I was tired of love that was never working out. I loved Nash, and I wanted him back. Guess it was just a little too late. I met up with Cameron the next day.

U: Hi Cam

C: Hey, I want you to meet Shawn Mendes.

U: Hi, I'm y/n

S: Nice to meet you!

C: He's a singer, and he is one of my best friends.

He was kind of cute, but I wasn't ready for a relationship with anyone at this point.

S: So, do you like to sing?

U: Yeah, actually I've been singing my entire life, and I love it.

S: How cool, would you like to record a song with me?

U: Omg, yes. This is huge, thank you, Shawn!

S: No problem, I just need to hear you sing first...

U: Oh well, of course.

I played the piano, and sang one of my own songs.

S: wow, you're amazing. It would be an honour to have you on my team!

He smiled with his perfect, white teeth.

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