Complicated life.

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Your POV

I had been thinking about everything that had been going on in my life. It was all a crazy mess, and I needed to have a long break from all the love drama. Yes, I loved Nash, and I probably loved Cameron too. That's a good enough reason to stay away from both of them. Singing was a good way to relax for me, and spending time with Shawn at the studio. I packed my stuff, and headed over to the studio.

Shawn gave me a welcoming hug.

S: You're here!

U: Of course I am, I said with a friendly smile.

I had been hanging out with Shawn a couple of times; I just loved spending time with him. He was probably my best friend at the moment. We could talk for hours. It was good to have someone at these times.

S: Are you ready to record our song "Give me a break"?

U: Yeah, I am!

I sang;

Head ache, lying on the ground

Give me a break

Holding onto you, for way too long,

And now you're gone.

I've fallen in love with you,

Give me a break, what else should I do

I'll jump into the sea,

Just to have you next to me

S: That's amazing! This is going to be a huge success! He said while looking me into my eyes, and smiling

U: Hope so. It's a pleasure working with you Shawn! Just ask me anytime if there is another duet, I will be glad to join!

S: I'll make sure to write your words down! He said while laughing.

When I got back home again, I got a text from, Nash

"Hey, I'm sorry I freaked out. Can you come over to my house for a talk?"

I replied "I'll be there in 20 minutes"

I stood out by his door. Nervous, and wondering why he had me over to talk. I was certainly scared.

*Knock, knock*

I heard Nash yelling, COME IN! I walked into his kitchen.

U: You wanted to see me?

N: Yeah, I just wanted to apologize. I've been thinking, and wondered if you want to try making it work again?

U: You forgive me?

N: Not exactly, but I trust you. I've opened a new page of my life, and I'm not going to re-read the last one. I just want to give you a fresh start, are you in?

U: Of course!

I ran over to Nash, and printed my lips on his. It was all perfect again.

I met Cameron, when I was walking home.

C: Hi bae! How are you doing with the breakup?

U: Uhm, actually me and Nash are starting over again

C: You are what??

He looked kind of sad, and I felt bad for him

U: I'm sorry Cam. I'm willing to take that risk with Nash. If it doesn't work out, I will not turn to you...Because you might destroy my only love at this point.

I saw a tear, coming down from his eye. I felt bad for him

C: I love you, y/n...Always know that!

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