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I needed to go find y/n. I love her so much it hurts. I sat down on the same chair as before Kate had told me the news. I sat there thinking about all of my memories, how I always managed to screw things up, and I knew I would never let y/n go EVER again. I had taken her for granted. She is the only thing I need in my life. She makes me happy. I grabbed my car keys, and drove over to her house. I could not find her. Where is she? I wondered while walking around inside her house. I found some paper and a pen and wrote a note to her.

-Hey, I went to your house, but I could not find you. Please call me if you find this note. I have something to tell you. Lots of love from Nash.


I came home after a lovely date with Cameron. We had started to hang out after me and Nash broke up. As I walked into my house, I found a note on the kitchen table. I started crying when I noticed it was from Nash. Oh how I missed him. I grabbed my phone, and dialed his number.

Y/n: Hey, I found the note

N: Can you come over to my house?

Y/n: Okay…I will come over

As I drove to his house, I could not stop thinking about what he wanted to tell me. To be honest I was nervous, it had been a month since we spoke last time.

I knocked gently on his door. Nash came out the door and hugged me.

Y/n: wow, I did not expect that…

N: I am sorry, but I have missed you so much

Y/n: I have missed you too.

N: Please come in!

Nash looked so handsome standing there. I wanted to kiss him again so badly.

Y/n: Soo, why am I here?

N: I have some good news! Kate lied to me. She is not pregnant.

As the words sank into my head I could not believe what Nash had just said. I was happy, but at the same time, I had wasted one month of my life crying about something that was not even true. I started crying.

N: Please don’t cry, I hate watching you cry.

He walked over to be, and gave me a hug again.

Y/n: I am so sorry. It’s just so overwhelming for me

N: I know, it was for me too.

Y/n: I can imagine that. Nash I still love you.

N: I never stopped loving you.

He wiped away the tears that flowed down my cheek. Then our lips reunited in an amazing kiss. 

Okay, so what do you guys think should I continue my story, or do you think this is a suitable end?

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