Dangerous Turn

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It feels like I've been in this cellar for months. I feel better now after they injected blood into my veins, and they gave me water. I've heard you can survive on only water for 14

days. At least I'll live a little bit longer before I disappear to the other side. My memory was actually starting to come back again. The doctor told me this might happen. I could remember flashes from me and Nash being together. I think he made me a very happy girl. I was the one who ruined it all. He had done nothing wrong. How could I be so selfish? I've been thinking a lot while being trapped in this dark whole. I hope that I'll be released someday or at least that anyone notices that I'm gone.


Today is the day. I've waited for a whole week. I'm ready to give the unknown man his money. I don't care how much it takes, as long as y/n is safe. I've been praying to god every day the past week. Ever since I knew she was gone. How could I let this happen to her? She's so unstable after the accident, and then she gets kidnapped. I must have been so frightening.

N: Are you coming?

C: Coming! Do you know where?

N: In Long Beach? I have no idea...He sent me a message with the address; I'm leaving the rest of the job to the GPS.

C: Smart choice. We need to be there soon; at least it's not that far away!

We drove to Long Beach, and parked near a Starbuck.

C: Are you sure it's here? Isn't it kind of open?

N: I think it's here. Yes, but then we won't be kidnapped

C: Ah, I see...Do you see someone suspicious?

N: Look at that guy over there, the one with the tattoo and muscles

C: It might be

We ran over to the guy

N: Where's y/n?

Muscle man: Who the hell are you talking about, and why do you dare talk to me?

N: Oh sorry...I just assumed it was you that I had arranged a meeting with.

We turned around, and then we both blacked out.

I woke up a little bit later, I think we were driving...I felt movement. I was trapped inside of a small box, and it was really dark. There was someone else inside the box. I could tell the person was bleeding.

N: Cameron??

I shook the person lying next to me.

N: Hello?


I got awakened by someone who shook me. The sound of his voice was quite familiar. I started crying historically.

U: I'm so scared


U: NASH? OMG I'm so happy you're here.

I hugged him, and we both cried.

N: I'm so happy you're safe!

U: I've been waiting to get out. I don't think they'll ever let us out.

N: Don't worry about that right now y/n, all that matters is that you're here with me

U: I thought you had forgotten all about me...

N: No, I have been searching for you the whole week with Cameron...

U: Where is he?

N: Shit...I don't know. I think he's here somewhere.



U: We're trapped inside a box, are you?

C: Yeah...I'm sorry. I can't get out, it's locked.

Then whatever that was driving stopped. We heard voices talking.

Unknown 1: Where are we sending them?

Muscle guy: Far away from here.

Unknown 1: You know we could get in a lot of trouble? Those guys in the back are quite popular...

Muscle guy: Nothing scares me...We have to check our luggage in now okay?

Unknown 1: The flight to India?

Muscle guy: Yes, I think we can sell them for a lot of money.

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