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U: Oh...I thought it was just a dream.

N: Don't worry about Cam...

U: But I am worried about him

N: He'll survive

U: And what if he doesn't?

N: Just trust me!

He looked me in my eyes, with a serious expression on his face.

U: I wonder how we'll ever get out of this country without any money...

N: I think I still have the money Justin Bieber gave me to release you.

U: Oh thank god.

N: Yes, praise the lord.

U: Stop silly

I hit him weakly on his shoulder

N: zaym...

He started laughing.

U: Look over there!

I pointed at someone who lied on the ground.

U: Is that? No it can't be

I ran over to check on the person. It was Cameron Dallas.

U: Oh thank god. It's Cameron.

C: Hey y/n, you found me

He looked at me with a friendly smile. I helped him up, and gave him a big hug.

U: I've been so worried about you

I started crying because I was so happy.

C: Don't cry. I'm right here y/n.

He hugged me tightly again, and whiped away my tears.

C: I said stop, I'm gonna cry if you don't stop

U: Sorry, I'm so happy that everyone's okay

C: We need to get out of this country...I don't like it here.

N: Me neither.

U: Do you have the money, Nash?

N: Uhm, I'll check...

He looked though his pockets.

N: I've lost some of the money...

U: How much?

N: We have like 1000 dollars left...

U: Is it enough?

N: It might be...

C: Can't we check how much it costs at the airport?

Guy at the airport: Uhm, yeah. You can afford a low budget flight to LAX.

U: Thank god.

C: We'll take it.

We sat on the low budget plane on our way back to Los Angeles. I was glad that we managed to find Cameron. And that everyone was safe again. Me and Nash sat pressed tightly next to each other. It was tiny space inside this plane, but it didn't matter to me. I was happy.

N: You look so happy y/n

I smiled at him

U: That's because I am

N: I can see that, I'm happy too

U: I love to be in your company Nash, and I've missed you

He looked me in the eyes

N: I love you y/n, so much. I've not forgotten about you, and I never will either

A tear came out my eye

N: Aw, don't cry

He whiped the tear away, then he pressed his lips onto mine. It was a magical kiss. The moment was perfect. I knew I was in love with him, and the best feeling of all; no one could ruin my feelings no matter what.

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