A little piece of Shawn

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I sent a text to Shawn saying; Hey! I'm so sorry about yesterday...Do you want to meet up later?

I waited the whole day, until he finally replied; Sorry, I've been busy. Where shall we meet up?

Me; It's a surprise. I will pick you up in twenty minutes!

I ran into the bathroom in a hurry, and there was Nash.

N: Hey bae!

U: What are you doing here, Nash?

N: I just wanted to see my babe...

U: I have plans, and I need to find something in the kitchen

He followed me into the kitchen

N: Well, how about we do it on the table?

He walked toward me and started undressing me. He pushed me down on the table, and started moaning.

U: Nash, I can't do this right now...I need to meet up with someone

But we are having so much fun, he said with a smirk on his face.

I pushed him away, dressed myself, and ran outside to my car. I rang the doorbell at Shawn's house, but no one opened. Guess I was too late. I sent him a text saying; Hey, I'm outside your house where are you?

S: Ohh...I totally forgot, can you wait ten minutes? Just come inside, the door is open

I cried because I didn't like the way Nash had changed. I went into the bathroom to find some paper. And there was Shawn. He was in the shower. I ran in shock into the living room. Then Shawn came out with a towel wrapped around him. I could see his six-pack.

S: Sorry you had to see that...

U: It's okay

I said while laughing

S: Are you sure? You screamed pretty loud.

He walked toward me and touched my shoulder.

Then I started crying, and held tight onto him.

S: Shhhh...Don't cry my angel

I cried even louder.

He carried me to the couch

S: What's wrong?

U: Nash...

S: You know you could break up with him?

U: I love him, just not the person he has become

S: Maybe he will listen to you if you tell him about it?

U: I don't think so...

S: Never say never

I fell asleep in his arms.

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