Forbidden love

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Soo here's the new part, hope you guys like it!

Your POV:

*Text message from Cameron<3*

"Come to the party, Downtown LA today. You can bring Nash. Kisses Cam".

The questions repeated in my head; should I go? And should I go without Nash?

I decided to go, and bring Nash.

Cam: Hey princess

He walked toward me, and gave a big, welcoming hug.

U: Nash is here with me...

C: That's okay. May I have a dance with this beautiful girl?

He was so cute, I couldn't believe the change. He was amazing.

U: of course! Am I allowed, Nash?

N: Yeah, I'm going to have a drink at the bar

Cameron held his hands around my hips. He looked into my eyes, while leading the slow dance. His eyes were sparkling, and I could feel his fast heartbeat.

*Nash's POV*

I think Cameron was stealing my girl. I saw him holding around her hips, I didn't like it. I've noticed something weird going on for days, but I haven't dared to ask her. Now I know why. I ran into the bathroom and sobbed, when a nice guy came in.

Nice guy: What are you doing here? It's a great party outside the bathroom!

Nash: My girlfriend is dancing with her ex, and it's kind of hard because he is also my best friend.

Nice guy: Oh, that sucks...Here *he hands over a drink

I took the drink, and drank it all at once

*Your POV*

U: Have you seen Nash?

C: No? Not since we danced...

Cameron stood over by the bar with some girls. I tried to hide the fact that I was incredibly jealous.

U: oh, okay. I will try to find him then...

I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find him.

C: Did you find him?

U: No, I couldn't find him anywhere...Do you mind driving me home?

C: No, I don't mind

As I walked out of the bar, I noticed a guy who was making out with a blonde girl. It was quite intense. Then I noticed something weird. It was Nash...I ran towards Cameron's car, and I sat down crying my eyes out. Cameron sat down next to me, and held his arms around my body.

C: Do you want me to stay out here with you for a little while, or should I drive you back home?

U: Can I stay at your place?

I looked at him with eyes full of tears.

He smiled, and then he picked me up, and carried me inside his car. I fell asleep, and woke up inside his covers, on his bed, wearing his t-shirt.

U: Thank you Cameron. I appreciate this

C: Just ask me anytime, about anything. I'll do it.

We lied under the covers, cuddling. He was perfect in every possible way.

U: Cameron, I kind of like you...

C: I love you y/n...but you are still together with Nash.

U: Yeah, I might want to straight things up a little bit with him

C: Are you breaking up with him?

U: He cheated...there's no good reason for doing that to me

C: I would never do anything like that to you y/n!

U: I know, Cameron! You're the best. Why did you break up with me?

C: I just got hurt. Tay told me that you were in love with Nash...

U: Maybe I was, but I loved you at least as much as I loved him.

C: I don't want you to love anyone, but me.

U: I can't control my feelings though, after you left me I felt like comforting myself, that's why I turned to Nash.

C: Just forget about it, I'm done with the past. Let's make a better future.

He leaned toward me, and met my lips. I pressed my lips onto his. I didn't stop, even though I felt bad for doing it against Nash.

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