Who is Tyler Davis?

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Okayyy...This is a very short part, and not very fun..sorry about that! I think I'll post some more new parts tomorrow! Love reading your comments! Thank u guys for reading my story!!


I checked out my Twitter notifications. People were saying; "She's a slut" "she deserves to die" it might have been the truth, but it's not me anymore. I'm a completly different person than I was before. I could'nt remember my past, but I was going to make my future bright. I was well aware of what I had done, because Nash told me about everything. At least I think he did. I went to starbucks and said

-One Cool lime refresher, and a cookie!

The boy who worked there smiled at me, and asked

-And your name is?

-Y/n, I replied, and smiled back at him

Maybe I should have been dating unknown boys, instead of all these celebrities.

I drank my refresher and walked out the door. Just as I was about to throw it away, I noticed a tiny note under the drink "I'm Tyler Davis" and he had written down his number. I went back home again, and sat down on a white chair. I wondered about if I should text him.

"hey, is this Tyler?"


"Yeah, you found my number <3




Wanna meet up sometime?


Uhm, I don't know...when?


Come to Venice Beach tomorrow!


Okaay! Call me!


I was about to meet a stranger, and I must admit the thought of it is kind of scary. I think that it's gonna be okay because we're in public. At the same time I can get to know this guy.

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