Who is it gonna be?

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Shawn's POV

I was in love with her. She had the prettiest eyes I'd ever seen. As she fell asleep in my arms, I watched her. She was so calm, and deserved to be treated a lot better. I drove her back to her house and lied with her under her covers, when she suddenly woke up.

Y/n: where are we?

S: at your place...

She looked into my eyes, and leaned toward me. I could feel her breathing. I wanted to kiss her so badly. Before I got the chance to think more about it, Nash came in the door.


I wanted to go see my girl. When I came into her bedroom she was there, but in the bed WITH Shawn. I couldn't believe my eyes. Did they sleep with each other? I wanted to cry, but I was angry at the same time.

N: What are you doing here with MY girl?

S: I'm just helping her...

N: You mean you two had sex?

S: Absolutely not!

N: Liar

I walked toward him, and started beating him up. When y/n yelled "STOOOOOP NASH!! You can't do this to him. We haven't done anything I swear on our relationship!! It's my fault he's here

I didn't understand. Why did she want help from him, but not from me

N: I'm your boyfriend, you can talk to me?

Y/n: No...the only thing you want from me is sex. That's all you're thinking about ALL the time.

N: You had the choice. I didn't force you. I love you so much; you need to know this by now.

Y/n: I know you love me, Nash. I can't do this anymore.

N: Are you breaking up with me?

Y/n: No, but you will have to learn to control yourself!

N: I promise!

I walked toward her and smashed my lips onto hers.

Y/n: Shawn, are you okay?

S: Yeah...I think I'll leave...Goodbye y/n

He looked kind of disappointed, angry and sad. I really didn't care about that, because she was my girl!


I might have done a huge mistake. Did I want Nash, Cameron or did I want Shawn. I was starting to question my own feelings. I didn't know what to do anymore.

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