Didn't see that coming

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I was sitting at home, and staring outside at the snow that was falling down. It was starting to look a lot like Christmas. The streets were decorated with lights. There was music everywhere.

Text from Tyler; Hey! Do you want to come to this party I have been invited to?

Yeah, can you pick me up?

I'll be at your house in six hours.

I was preparing myself for a great evening. I had never heard of anyone who was going to the party, but all that matters was that I went there with Tyler. No words from Shawn, Nash and Cameron. It was kind of weird that no one texted or called me. I was okay with it though, since I didn't really know them.

Ty: are you ready?

He gave a romantic kiss

U: yup

We drove over to the party, which was hosted at a huge villa.

U: Wow, this is a beautiful house

Ty: Yeah, I'm gonna find my friends...

I went over to the punch, and found myself something to drink. There was this girl, who started talking to me. Her name was Hailey.

H: Hi, who are you? I've never seen you before

U: Oh hi, I'm y/n...and I'm here with Tyler. Do you know him?

H: Tyler Davis? Doesn't the whole city know who he is? Are you a friend of his or something?

U: No actually, I think me and Tyler might have something going on

H: Oh poor thing...The thing is he has a girlfriend...

U: But...I don't understand? He kissed me

H: Hmm probably just having some fun

I ran over to the bathroom, crying.

Then Tyler came in

Ty: why are you crying, babe

U: Shut up, I know that you have a girlfriend...

Ty: shhhh...he held me close, and wouldn't let go of me.

U: auch...Let go, it hurts.

Ty: Shut up

He taped my arms, feet and my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was impossible.

I couldn't see anything, because he blindfolded my eyes. I heard some boys talking

Unknown voice: Is this her?

Tyler: yes, can I get my money now already?

Unknown voice: Not so sure about that.

It sounded like this guy was beating up Tyler, and he was left lying on the ground. Someone threw me into a car. I was terrified and wanted someone to help me. I was being kidnapped. Would I ever return? We drove for quite some time. Then the car stopped.

Unknown 1: Can you take her to the cellar?

Unknown 2: Yes, I'll do so boss

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