You say what?

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Okay, so I am so sorry I have not updated in ages!! I am sort of trying to figure out how I want to end my story...I kind of lack inspiration at the moment, so please vote and comment if you guys have any suggestions!! Thank you so much for reading!

*Nash’s POV

Kate was calling me. I should have taken responsibility for my actions. I should have used protection.

N: Hello?

K: Can I come over to your house?

N: Listen to me, I am NOT in love with you, okay? I will do anything for our child, but I want nothing to do with you. You have caused enough damage already.

K: I love you, Nash…

N: Well, I love someone else. It is your all your fault that she hates me now.

K: Do not blame me. You obviously made a bad move.

N: Yeah, I did, and I will never do it again.

I heard Kate sobbing

N: Don’t cry

K: It is not that easy, you know…I really like you.

N: Whatever. Can you just send me a check already? I can pay child support

K: Listen, I need to tell you something.

N: Can you tell me over the phone?

K: I would rather not.

N: Well, come over here in 15 minutes.

K: Okay, I will be there.

I sat down on my chair thinking. How could I possibly fix this? Only 17 years old, and Kate is pregnant with MY child. I had been sitting down for 15 minutes when someone knocked on my door.


Kate walked into the room. She looked at me while crying.

N: What is wrong?

K: Uhm…There is something I need to tell you

N: And?

K: I lied to you. I am not pregnant…


I was both happy, mad and shocked at the same time. Of course, it was a relief that Kate wasn’t pregnant, but y/n and I broke up over something that was not true in the first place.

K: I am so sorry Nash, It’s just that I wanted you to be mine forever. I don’t want anyone else to have you, but me.

N: Please leave. I want nothing to do with you, and don’t ever try to contact me again.

K: oh…Okay

She left my house sobbing, but I couldn’t care less.

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