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Back at the villa, Nash and Tay were inside their room talking

N: I think I'm in love with her

T: well, I have figured out that a loooong time ago

N: how can u notice, but I can't notice myself!?

T: don't know bro, but u know cam and y/n are dating? U should probably stay out of this

N: I Will try, but it's hard for me u know..

T: I understand, but try to have fun!! We should watch a movie!!

You sat next to Nash in the couch, under a blanket. You sat close to him, he had one of his hands on your thigh. U leaned onto him and your hands were slowly driven towards each other, eventually you and Nash held hands under the blanket. U felt the urge to leave the room, Nash followed u

U: why are u following me -.-"?

N: why did u leave me?

U: bc I realized it's wrong that we're holding hands

N: no Y/n, it's not! We are friends

U: Ik Nash, you're probobly my best friend at the moment, but since I'm dating cam, and he invited me here...I just felt like I was doing something wrong..

N: u can come to me anytime, I want you to know that, then he slowly kisses your cheek

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