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You're all walking around inside the house, and checking out the rooms
U: OMG this room is amazing, can we have it?
C: yeah if u want it!
Then u hug him tightly.
He stares into your eyes, his mouth comes closer to yours, and your lips meet eachothers. He kisses you slowly, and his tounge is gently touching yours, u both open your eyes after a while.
C: u are a great kisser Y/n
U: aaaaw Cam, you're too 💞
As your lips meet again Nash walked by your room, and saw what had just happened. He went into the bathroom sobbing, then Taylor came.
T: why are u crying?
N; bc I did'nt know Y/n was here with cam, and I caught them making out just minutes ago
T: how do u even know her?
N: Actually I sat next to her during the flight, and we became quite good friends! She even fell asleep on my shoulder. She's perfect..
T: man..I don't know the feeling, but u can talk to me anytime u want, Nash
N: I'm sorry to put this on you..I'm very upset
T: We should be outside tanning, or swimming! Have u seen the ocean here?? I'ts crystal clear! Come on Nash we're in CYPRUS
N: guess you're right tay, shall we go for a swim?
Then Nash came into you and Cam's bedroom, and asked if you wanted to attend the Beach.
Nash watched as u and cam were floating on a mattress, on the crystal clear water togheter, he evantually got so jealous he
articulate the mattress
U screamed but laughed and smiled
U: OMG Nash I just got wet
N: no wonder, look at me
U laughed and struck him gently by the arm.
He picked u up, and threw u under water
C: why the hell are u flirting with my girl Nash?
N: take it easy cam, She's allowed to have fun!
C: I guess, but don't u dare touch my girl!

Nash was thinking about u all the time, he just couldn't get u off his mind

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