What happens next

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Unknown calling

C: hello?

Unknown: Are you friends with Y/n?

C: yes?

Unknown: She's at the hospital. She was in a car crash, and she got some bad damages to her brain.

C: Is she gonna be fine?

Unknown: we have some issues...but she's gonna be fine


I drove over to the hospital and went to see her.


C: are you ok??

Y/n: yeah! Why am I here?

C: You were in a car crash after you and Shawn broke up

Y/n: Who's Shawn?

C: Can't you remember?? He was your boyfriend

Y/n: I have no idea who shawn is..

I ran over to the doctor

C: Why can't she remember her boyfriend?

Doctor: the crash caused damages to her brain, and she has memory loss, it was quite serious...she might remember things from a little back in time

I ran back to her

C: What is the last thing you remember?

U: Uhmm that you asked me out

Yes, I finally had my chance to win her back, I could start from scratch.


*text from Shawn*

I'm sorry I freaked out the other day...can we meet up later?




I'll come by your place


Okay, come over around 8?


I'll be there


I was waiting to see who this Shawn guy was. I couldn't remember him being my boyfriend, but I wanted to meet him in person.


I loved her, and I wanted to forgive her for the mistakes she had done.

S: Y/N??

Y/n; I'm in here!

S: what happened to you?

Y/n: nothing really, just a small accident

I walked toward her and hugged her tight, then I tried to kiss her, but she backed off.

Y/n: I need to tell you something, Shawn!

S: What now again?

Y/n: uhm I don't know how to tell you this, but I can't remember being together with you..

I almost started crying, but I kept myself together.


Y/n: the accident gave me a memory loss. I can't remember anything from this year...

I didn't know what to do, or how to react..

At least she doesn't remember cheating on me..maybe we could start over again


I got a text from Cameron saying


Hey, y/n has been in an accident. She has memory loss. Btw she can't remember you, neither that you have been together...I'm sorry to tell you this, I know you love her.


She could'nt remember how we met, or that we had been together for a long time..I was so sad, but I wanted to try again, and win her back. At least she could'nt remember me being all caught up sleeping with her. I drove over to her house.


I heard someone knocking on my door. There he was, The Vine star Nash Grier. I touched his face, he started laughing.

Nash: Hey Y/n!

U: Hey, Nash Grier. You are just as handsome as on Vine!

He gave me a long and kind of akward first hug.

U: Woah, that's enough mr.grier

N: I've really missed you.

U: I haven't really met you...

N: well you have..And I'm gonna make you remember, because I really love you, Y/n!

U: okay then, tell me about hos we met

He smiled at me, and started talking about everything we had experienced together.

I was no good to him, it was all my fault. I could'nt believe how I had been acting. I needed to sharpen up a little.

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