Love birds

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I made you breakfast! Shawn shouted from the kitchen.

I'm coming, I answered in a hurry

I ran down the stairs and hugged him

U: Thank you for being here, Shawn!

S: No problem. Do you want to go to the beach?

U: Absolutely

*20 minutes later*


He picked me up and threw me into the water. I laughed and looked into his eyes. Our lips were so close. Should I kiss him? He pressed his lips onto mine, and shove his tongue into my mouth. It was a magical kiss. Like a dream.

S: I've been waiting to do this for a long time!

U: I laughed at him, as I pressed my lips onto his again.

S: I love you, y/n! Will you be my girlfriend?

U: YES! Our lips met again, and we started making out in the water. He picked me up and carried me to the car.

S: This is the best day of my life!

U: You're so good to me.

We lied under the covers cuddling all night long, without even kissing. He was a true gentleman.

S: Should I go home?

U: no, stay

I fell asleep in his arms. When I woke up the next day, Shawn was gone. I smelt his perfume on my pillow and imagined us cuddling all over again. I noticed a note saying: Hello beautiful, I'm buying you breakfast, I'll be back soon! -Shawn

It was so cute. The way he cared about me, like I was an angel. I lied down on the couch with a smile that could reveal I was head over heels in love with Shawn.

He came in the door, and lied down on top of me

U: AOUCH, that hurts

I said while laughing.

He kissed me softly on my lips. After a minute he opened his eyes again

U: Why did you stop?

S: I'm being a gentleman, and we've only been together for like...a day?

U: That doesn't mean you can't kiss me.

I leaned onto him, and pushed my tongue inside his mouth. Shawn stopped me

U: Why did you stop?

S: Because we need to eat breakfast, and your breath stinks

U: I'm sorry...

I said while laughing

LET'S EAT! I shouted out

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