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My consicience was killing me. I didn't want to tell shawn about what had happened. He would probobly lose it. I decided to keep it as a secret.

*text from Nash*

Hey babe! How are you?


I'm scared


I was lying on my bed. When someone walked into my room. It was Cameron.

U: Cameron? What are you doing here?

C: I'm here to check on you!

I hugged him tight for a minute

U: I've missed you!

C: I've missed you too, Y/n!

He smiled and gave me another hug

I started sobbing.

C; why are you crying?

U: I cheated on shawn...

C: You did What???? Are you telling him?

U: No, but I don't think I can go through this

C: Trust is the key to a relationship!

U: I've already broken that trust...

C: yeah, that's why you should tell him!

It's better for him to know!

U: Ok, I'll talk to you later then!

I went to Shawn's place

U: Shawn, I have something to tell you...

S: What?

He looked at me with a confused expression on his face

U: I did something yesterday...I'm so sorry

S: What did you do?

U: I cheated on you

He started crying

I wanted to hug him, but he was angry


U: forgive me, Shawn. I love you

S: go away. I don't want you anymore. You've broken my trust

I ran out the door and cried as I drove.

*tires squealing*

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