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Cam comes into your room and sees that you are upset
C: Why are u upset?
U: Ehm, I feel like a horrible girlfriend to you...
C: You're not my girlfriend?
U: I know, but soon?
C: That's what I hope!
Then you lean toward him and kiss him gently
U: come on cam, we're going to a waterpark today in Ayia Napa
C: sounds fun!!
Then u and all of the boys leave the Villa, u meet Nash at a waterslide were it's supposed to be two and two sitting together
Nash scares you from behind
U: Oh gad Nash, you scared me!
N: Heey y/n!
U: Do you want us to go together in this slide?
N: Of course, if cam doesn't mind
U: He went eating, and I'm not hungry! Come on, Nash
You look him in the eyes
N: Oh, I can't resist those eyes
Then Nash holds your hand and you two wait in the line, he is staring into your eyes
N: Wow...I can't stop looking at u
U: Aww, Nash. You are the cutest guy in the world
N: What about cam?
U: He doesn't say that kind of stuff now anymore. He used to, but now that he thinks I'm all his, he stopped.
N: Well u deserve better
You lean onto him, and he lifts u up giving a romantic hug
N: well guess it's our turn in this waterslide, are you ready??
U: Yeah! Let's do this!
You sit in the front, and Nash sits closely behind u,
U: *screaming*
Then Nash puts his arms around you, to make you feel more safe
As he puts his arms around you, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
N: Thank you so much y/n for this day together, I had a great time!
You smiled at him
U: Me too, Nash!
Then you kissed him slowly on his cheek. He lifts u up again, and spins you around

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