The Rescue

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I went for a swim when I saw this girl jumping off the bridge. I swam out to her and dragged her out of the water.

"You have reached 911, what is your emergency?"

"A suicidal girl, I'm at 4562 bridge by the lake"

As I looked at her I saw something familiar. It was y/n.

I started freaking out and tried to rescue her.


I woke up at the hospital, Cameron was holding my hand.

U: What are you doing here, Cameron?

C: I rescued you from drowning

U: I wanted to die

C: Why? You have people who care so much about you. Why are you being so selfish thinking all about yourself?

U: I broke up with you, then I broke up with Nash, and Shawn won't talk to me...

C: I'm here for you, and you know that!

U: Thank you, Cameron. I appreciate this. Can you call Shawn for me?

C: of course! *dialling Shawn's phone number.

S: Hello?

C: Hi it's Cameron, can you come to the hospital room number 7, and it's an emergency.

S: Who's at the hospital?

C: Someone very special...

S: I'll be there in five minutes!

I saw Shawn running toward me; he looked like he was in shock


U: I reached for his hand. I'm fine Shawn.

He gave me the longest hug ever.

S: where's Nash?

U: We broke up.

S: Why haven't you told me before?

U: I thought you ignored me

S: No, I would never ignore my angel. *he kissed me on my cheek

He sat there all night holding my hand. We talked for hours.

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