Chapter 1 - A New Life ♡

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~ 2 Months Ago ~

It had been 2 years to the day since I became a professional hero. My life was filled with danger and excitement and I loved every single moment of it. I was still being treated like an amateur and I was no way the best. I was one of the youngest pro heroes but I had an extremely powerful quirk. My body was completly charged with electricity which I could turn on and off at my will. However, I was too afraid of using my quirk at full force due the damage I could cause civilians. I wouldn't be a very good hero if I hurt the ones I was trying to save. This caused me to only power up my legs which allowed me to run at super speed,because of this I was known more as a speed hero. This worked in my favour some of the time as villains would expect me to hold back, leaving me with the element of surprise. When things got rough I wouldn't hesitate to charge myself up and send streams of electricity towards them.

I ran at an impressive speed towards the loud screams coming from a dark alleyway. The lightning bolts on my suit were illuminated in the moonlight surrounding me in a magical aura. If it was any other night I would have been able to admire the night sky in all its glory. Grey swirls merged into the sky leaving the stars to peak through sheepishly.  My suit wasn't exactly exciting but even I had to admit I looked flashy in the moon's rate. It was charcoal black with vibranr orange lightning bolts down the sides of my legs, arms, a large one down my back and a smaller one in the middle of my chest. I wore a matching black mask which covered my eyes only in a mysterious fashion. The left part of the mask had a lightning bolt on it which reached from my eyebrow to below my eye. Luckilu for me, this suit was engineered to withstand an extremely high voltage similar to that of lightning. It would be  extremely embarassing if my quirk burnt my suit to smithereens, leaving me exposed to the villians I face.

Peering round the corner into the dim alley way I saw three well built villains cornering a frightened young child.


The poor child was on her hands and knees shaking furiously from fear. Her only pleas for help were strained whimpers accompanied by a stream of tears.

This was going to be a difficult situation. All three men looked completley normal, neither one of them were showing their quirks. There would be no tell of what their quirks could be untill I inevitably confronted them. The thought of rushing in blind made me giddy, lacing my body with a high concentration of adrenaline.

Don't worry little girl. I wont let these men lay another finger on you.

Without thinking twice my legs charged up instintively and I shot into the battle, head on. I could feel the air gush past me as I moved at such a speed. It created a satisfying whooshing noise as my suit cut through it.

I propelled myself through the gang of furious looking men as they tried to grab at me and slash me with knives. They were flailing around frantically, desperately trying to out a stop to my heroic acrions. In a flash I had grabbed the small child, put her on my back and attempted to leap over the group.

Thank god speed is my element.

Strong hands grip my leg and spun me around abruptly with a huge amount of force. The young girl went flying into the concrete, landing on her hands and knees with a thud. As if In slow motion, I watched her turn her head around to me. Revealing the tears that were now plastered over her cheeks. Seeing she was for the most part fine I screamed at her to run. In a second her face changed into a determined but scared expression, she nodded and sprinted away.

Now that she's gone I can-

My back hit the stone wall violently, sending blood gushing out of my mouth. I arched over, trying to regain the breath that had left my body. Looking up, I cockily smirked at the three villians.

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