Chapter 13 - Trust Me ∆

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It was the next morning. I hadn't told anyone the truth of what really happened, I just avoided the question. I was afraid of putting anyone else in unecessary danger all because of me. The weather was still dull but dry, adding to my sour mood. Nezu wouldn't allow me to work today due to my poor eye site, he insisted it would be too dangerous. I wasnt exactly happy about it but i knew it was for the best.

My mind constantly flickered to last nights events when Aizawa took me to the hospital even though I tried to tell him I was okay.

I guess you can see right through me Shouta. Can you see my feelings too?

They patched me up fairly quickly and gave me some eyedrops to help clear my vision. Why couldn't I have learned from meeting the villians before, I knew their quirks. Something in me snapped when I realised Shouta could be in danger too. It made me reckless.

I'm a damn idiot.

Eventually after tossing and turning I fell into a deep sleep. It made me realise resting helped my eyes a hell of a lot as when I woke up in the morning my vision was almost cleared. It was still a little hazy and I had no sense of distance just yet but I figured that by the next morning I would be completely fine.

How the hell do I get myself into situations like this.

There wasnt really much else for me to do today, so I lay on the sofa and watched dvds all day until I inevitably fell asleep once again. A few hours later I was awoke up by a strong knock at the door.

What the hell?

I opened it slightly to see Shouta with a gorgeous bunch of flowers along with my cleaned hero costume. I sighed, pulling the door untill it was fully open. He smiled and handed me them, looking me up and down. In a panic I realise the state of myself and frantically covered myself with my arms. My hair was a tangled mess as I still had bed head from waking up, as well as that I was in my pastel pink pajamas.

"Since when did you become soft". I teased him and thanked him for the flowers,trying to take the attention off myself. I noticed my hero suit now smelled like him and couldn't help but smile.

I hope this lasts.

"I was worried." I ushered him into my home as I placed the flowers in a tall vase on the table next to the tv.

"You didn't answer my texts." His voice was stern, hiding any feelings of worry.

I shot a smug look at Aizawa, without missing a beat "Shouta, I can't exactly see."

Immediately he looked down, I imagined he was blushing even though that would be completely out of character. "I would have called but I was busy with the students." He paused for minute before making eye contact with me yet again."They're worried about you too". It felt surreal having this many people worrying about you but it filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling.

I plonked myself next to him, rubbing his arm, unconsciously. Realising my embarassing actions I pulled myself away in a panic.

Smooth, (Y/n).

"I'll be back tomorrow". I heard Aizawa sigh, even though I couldn't make out his expression well, I knew he was frustrated about me coming back so early. I couldn't leave the students like that, I wanted to help them with their quirks. I wanted to be a part of their hero journey in which they would remember for the rest of their lives.

"Of course you are." He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "I guess I'll have to keep an eye on you."

"I guess" I smirked at him, elbowing his side in a teasing manner. Suddenly, Caleb came bounding out of nowhere and approached Aizawa. I watched in awe as he stroked him, scratching his ears and his neck. He played with his collar and looked at the name tag. "Caleb? Is that your name?" Caleb meowed in response and jumped onto Shoutas lap, settling down for a sleep. Shouta looked pleased that my cat came to him, I covered my mouth, hiding a slight smile.

You seem to get more and more attractive which each passing day, Shouta.

"(Y/n)." his tone suddenly got serious as he turned to face me. His hands never left Caleb as he purred content in his warm lap. "Are you going to tell me what really happened?" I groaned in response. Something in my mind told me telling him was better than keeping it a secret. If he got hurt because I was too pathetic to tell him I would never forgive myself.

"How much time have you got?" I sighed In frustration, letting out a small chcuckle, realising I really had to talk about this.

"All night." He winked at me and I couldnt help but cringe, averting my awkward gaze.

This is a new side to you Shouta.

We talked on and on for ages as I explained the sticky situation I was in. I explained how they threatened both of us, all while trying to hold myself together. He placed his hand on my tense shoulder, his features grew soft as he gazed into my (e/c) eyes.

"I won't let that happen." I smiled at his statement, although I couldnt help but feel extremely anxious. I cared deeply about this raggedy man and would be devastated if anything happened to him.

"I-I don't want you to get hurt-" I stuttered, squinting my eyes to see him clearly befofe he interrupted.

"Trust Me." His words were comforting and made me feel a little more secure with myself.

I just hope you're right.

After a couple more hours it was time for Shouta to leave. It wouldn't have been appropriate to keep him over for longer even though I wanted him to stay. He knew that. My eyes watered atthe corners as I walked him to the door.

"Sh-Shouta I..." I hesitated for a second.

What do I say to him.

This was a complete mistake.

I felt myself back away as the silence lingered between us.


"Oh...I just want you to get home safe." I shot him a half smile, rubbing my nape nervously.

He knows you wanted to say something else.

Why couldn't you just spit it out.

I bit my lip out of sheer frustration before looking down. Before I knew it, I felt his warm embrace as I leaned into his broad chest. His lips traveled to my ear before whispering roughly to me.

"I know."

I felt my heart race as he pulled away and began to turn away.

Just like that?

Why are you so abrupt?


He turned around once more to witness the pained expression in my widened (e/c) eyes.

"Thank you."

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