☆ Halloween Special - Part 1 ☆

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Knock knock

I pounded excitedly on Nemuris door, almost falling through it as she let me in.

"Whoah, (Y/n)!" She screeched as I toppled into her arms. "Someone sure is excited!" We giggled at eachother as she steadied me on my feet.

I smiled widely towards her, letting myself into her gorgeous home. "Yeah, it'll be fun." I tried to play it off cool, realising how excited I really was.

"Let's get into our costumes!" She beamed, grabbing my arm violently and pulling me into her room. I giggled as she ran back and forward, collecting her outfit. My eyes widened as she strung out her costume onto her bed.

"Uh..." I groaned nervously, gaining a curious look from midnight. "You realise you're gonna be freezing wearing that..."

"Don't worry! They'll be a warm fire!" She beamed, jumping up and down.

"I guess... but there's gonna be alot of snow." I grabbed a large coat and a scarf out of her wardrobe, throwing them onto her mercilessly. "Like, ALOT!" She let out a sweet chuckle, patting me on the shoulder.

"You're such a good friend (Y/n)!" I squeaked as she planted a kiss on my forehead, squeezing me in a tight embrace. "Now get dressed!"

I yelped, as Midnight pushed my costume onto me with a smug wink. "It's perfect for you!" She squealed before exiting the room with her skimpy costume. A hint of blush appeared across my usually pale face as I seen how scandolous it was.


Why did I trust her to choose my outfit?

As I unfolded each part of the costume a sly smile appeared on my nervous face.

Maybe she really did pick something perfect for me.

Before I managed to put anything on the door swing open violently. My body jolted in fright as I stumbled againt her the pastel purple wall. I squeked, spinning to face Midnight whos head was half through the door with a cheeky smile.

"You'll need this!" She screeched happily, throwing the missing piece of the costume to me.

The Hammer.

A few minutes later I gazed at myself in the full body, studded mirror. Midnight really did pick out a perfect outfit for me, even if it was a little skimpy. I gave myself a twirl, watching how my red cape flowed majestically before me. With an anxious breath, I made my way to the living room to greet Midnight, awkwardly tugging at the short, black and silver skirt.

"Eeek! You look so cool!" She squeaked, running up to tap on my golden shoulder plates. "Whoah! It really suits you!" She shook my by the shoulders excitedly.

I swung the hammer around in my hands playfully, posing for her. She chuckled before placing the golden winged headband on top my head.

"Now your perfect!" She sung as hugged me tightly. "We match!" She screeched twirling for me in her costume. I giggled, eyeing her up and down.

"We look like that one couple that every one hates." She laughed with me, linking our arms together.

"Let's go, Thor. The boys will be waiting." She chirped excitedly, pulling me by my bare arm. I nudged her in the side, as she dragged me out of the door.

"Let's go, Loki."


"Whoah..." I exclaimed as we made our way into the luxurious looking cable car. "This is insane." My feet trembled slightly as I realised soon we would be far from the ground.

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