♧ Halloween Special - Part 3 ♧

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Shouta and I sauntered hand in hand up the stairs of the huge building. We came to a dim hallway, filled with many oak doors. I trailed happily behind Shouta as he led the way, almost as If he knew exactly where he was going.

"Shouta." I called softly , squeezing his hand out of sheer affection. "You look like you know where your going?"

"Yeah." He hummed in response as the two of us stopped infront of the door at the far end of the hallway. "This is the nicest room." He smirked, squeezing my hand back. "I noticed it when I looked around before."

He pushed the door open gently, revealing a large, kingsize bed with dusky grey duvet covers. The headboard was wooden and looked extremely elegant. Covering the window was large, heavy looking curtains that matched the bed spread.

"Whoah." I exclamied as I took a step onto the dark brown panel flooring of the room. My glistening (e/c) eyes met the beautiful small chandelier placed on the centre of the ceiling. "It's...beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." He spoke sweetly as his arms snaked around my waist from behind. I hummed in pleasure as he kissed my neck softly before resting his chin on top of my head.

"Hey..." I whispered, swivelling around until  our faces where barely a centimetre apart. "Do you think the cat's will be okay?"

"Of course." He smiled reassuringly as he tucked a stray lock of (h/c) hair behind my ears. "I left them enough water and a few biscuits." He pulled away from me, leaving me wanting more. "So don't worry."

My brows furrowed as he edged towards the door, wondering what he was doing. Once he was parallel to it he stopped, his fingers met the lock as he slid it shut.

"Shouta?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide the smirk forming on my face.

"I can unlock it if you want Mic to interrupt again?" He taunted, a slight smile tugging at his lips.

A breathy giggle escaped my mouth as he approached me, cupping my face in a cute demeaner. "Id rather it was just me and you." I winked, blush tinting my pale face.

Shouta leaned forward,grazing our lips together slightly. My heart rate quickened as our lips met. He ran his slender fingers though my smooth (h/c) hair as he backed onto the king-size bed. A smile grazed my face as I was straddling him as he sat upright, our lips moving in sync. My body trembled under his touch as his hands grabbed onto my thighs, slowly edging up my short skirt.

"You looked beautiful." He whispered into our passionate kiss, making my heart flutter uncontrollably.

"I love you Shouta" I replied, running my fingers through his charcoal strands of hair.

"And I love you." He smirked, spinning me around so that he was laying on top of me, one leg in between my thighs. A gasp escaped my mouth as he gently sucked on my neck, eventually escalating into cheeky bites as he became rougher. As he reconnected our lips he slowly pulled off the short skirt of my halloween costume, followed by my skimpy top. A hum escaped my lips as he left sweet kisses and gentle nibbles on every bit of exposed skin.

"Let me..." I smirked, pulling at one of the bandages of his halloween costume. I sat up slightly, tugging at each long strand, eventually scrunching my face up in absolute frustration.

"I'm never gonna get this off..." I sighed in annoyance, cheeky giggles escaping my trembling lips.

"We have all night." He huskily whispered, sending me a seductive wink as he took my lips in his yet again.


"Morning." The groggy voice of Aizawa awoke me from my blissful sleep.

I giggled as his arms which were wrapped around my waist pulled me in tightly. His sharp stubble tickling my neck as he left me a sweet kiss. "As much as I want to lay here with you." He whispered as he kissed my earlobe. "We really should get home."

"Awh, really?" I pouted as I spun around to meet him. "But I want to stay like this." I whispered against his lips as he pulled me in closer. Our eyes closed involuntary as he brought me into a sleepy kiss, making my heart skip a beat.

"Tempting." He murmured, a smirk stretching across his lips. "But we have two bundles of responsibility awaiting us at home."

"Okay..." I replied, combing his long, dark hair with my fingers. "I give in."

A loud yawn escaped my lips as I stretched within the covers. I sat up, rubbing my tired (e/c) eyes, watching as Shouta stood in his black boxers. My cheeks tinted pink as I admired his toned muscles which glistened in the low light. "Uhm...Shouta..." I spoke hesitantly. His tired eyes met mine as he raised one eyebrow. "What are you going to wear?" I choked out, looking towards his Halloween costume which was torn on the floor.

"Damn it." He sighed, taking in the mess.

"For the record-" I attempted to hide my amusement. "This was your fault."

"My fault?" He quirked an eyebrow with a smug expression. "You were pretty eager to rip it off lastnight ."

I blushed as I stood up, allowing the covers to drop. Shoutas eyes wandered over my bare skin and (f/c) underwear as I threw on the skimpy outfit from last night.

This isn't how I expected my day to go.

He shifted his gaze towards the window, before opening the dark curtains ever so slightly. "The snow isn't as bad." He stated. "Looks like we can go home."

"You're gonna walk home like that?" I snickered, gaining a deadly glance from him. "Stay here." I smiled I headed out of the room. Not even a couole of minutes later I came back with a pile of clothes in my arms.

"You don't expect me to wea-"

"I'll just put them back then." I taunted, shooting a knowing wink at him. His tired eyes averted from mine with a sigh as he extended his arm. "That's what I thought."

"Never speak a word of this." He huffed, slipping on the golden hoodie and light blue, ripped jeans.

"Looking good." I smirked, not used to seeing him wearing any thing that had a slight hint of colour.

He looks handsome.

"Come on, pretty boy." I kissed his cheek softly before grabbing his hand and dragging him out. He was silent as we headed through the cabin towards the door, most likely annoyed about his clothing choice. There wasn't many people awake as we are in the routine of getting up early for work.

A devious smile plastered my face as I noticed both Mic and Powerloader standing outside the door to the cabin. "Morning!" I yelled, distracting the two from clearing the path.

"Leaving so earl-" Mics reflective green eyes widened as he soun around to view us.  "Whoah...is Eraserhead really wearing bright clothes!?..." Mic teased, clutching his stomach from sheer laughter.

"Yup." I chirped, pulling Shouta into my side

"Happy Halloween!"

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