Chapter 16 - Admit It ∆

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I sat on Shoutas shiny black leather sofa watching as Caleb and Violet were chasing eachother around curiously. I let out a nervous laugh, tears pricked my (e/c) eyes.

"Your house just burned down and your smiling." Aizawa joined me, watching the cats play together. Even though he wouldn't admit it I could feel the concern in his tone. Just having him next to me made me feel safe.

"Calebs, okay." I smiled, swivelling around to face Shouta. "You're okay." I threw my arms around him, causing him to flinch a little. After a few seconds he tightly squeezed me back, kissing my forehead. I felt his hands rubbing my back in small circles trying to comfort me. His lips caused me to freeze as I realised that even though the situation was dire, he made me happy.

"What did you want to say to me?"

I froze suddenly feeling overcome with nerves.

If I play dumb, I won't have to deal with rejection.

I didn't think he would even remember that.

"Wh-what? When?"

"You know when." This time his expression was deadly serious and immediately made me feel anxious.

"I-I have to go shower." I ran out of the room frantically but gasped as Shouta pushed me to the wall abruptly. His face was close to mine causing my cheeks to illuminate with crimson blush.

"Please." I hadn't seen this expression on him before, my heart was racing like crazy. He pecked my trembling lips quickly and retracted himself. Our foreheads were pressing against each other and at that moment in time it was as if I didn't have a care in the world. "I-I want to hear it."

His lips hit mine again, I felt myself tremble as I murmured, "Sh-Sh-Shouta" He clasped my face lovingly, I could feel his hot breath against my lips. He had put me in a daze as my eyes wouldn't leave his lips. Biting my bottom lip I took in a shallow breath and readied myself.

"I-I Love you..." I breathed out, closing my eyes tightly, waiting for his response.

Oh my god. I can't believe I finally told him.

What if he rejects me.

His eyes widened,staring deeply at me. The silence felt like it went on for hours, I pressed my back against the wall and looked down in utter shame.

Way to go, (Y/n). You've ruined this aswell.

I might aswell lay down and die now.

I felt Shoutas hand grip my chin as he forced me to look into his bloodshot eyes. He smiled in a way I had never seen before. My heart melted. If he wasn't pressing up against me, I might have collapsed.

"I Love You Too." I felt my heart stop, my whole body was shaking. I had never expected to ever hear those words out of his mouth especially in such confident manner.

Am I dreaming? Is this real?

Happiness washed over me as I threw my arms around his neck. He kissed me passionately. I allowed my mouth to open as he slipped his curious tongue into mine. Our tongues intertwined and I felt his breathing deepen. He let out jagged breaths as he pushed me further into the wall. As he kissed down my neck slowly, my heart rate increased substantially. He started to get rougher, nipping then biting into my neck. I pulled his raven hair letting out soft groans. After a few minutes he resistantly pulled back, running his hands through my soft (h/c) hair. His forehead was pressed against mine still but his gaze was averted from me.

"G-go for a shower now." He gulped "Before I lose control." His body fell against mine, as he planted a soft kiss on my blushing cheek. I nodded shyly, eventually we let go of each other before I headed for a shower.

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