Chapter 15 - Unexpected ♡

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It has been a long week since my run in with those three villians. Nothing seemed out of place, Shouta walked me home after work every single day, texting me at night to make sure I was okay. Nothing between us really progressed. I was too shy to mention anything but I could definitely feel the tension between us since that night. We grew closer as we co-taught the students and I found myself attached to them. My confidence had grown substantially as I grew close to each and everyone of them, astounded by their quirks and the things they could do. These kids were absolutey amazing and there was no doubt in my mind about them.

These are our future heroes.

I left work a little earlier today as I had completed today's tasks earlier than what I had expected. Relief washed over me when I realised I could finally head home. I had been drowning in thick piles of work which kept me busy throughout the week. With that done I headed home alone, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. It was strange being alone when I was used to having Shouta by my side.

Dalm you Shouta. You've really wriggle your way into my heart.

I hope you're happy.

I scuffed the hard ground in frustration, knowing I would never have the confidence to act on these feelings. There was many times I had tried to pyche myself up to confess my deep seated feelings to him. Truth was, I was absolutely terrified. His cold demeaned intimidated me slightly, even though I knew it was just a shell.

Walking up to the oak door of my house my heart stopped. The lock was broken in half and the door ajar. I looked towards the windows seeing them completely smashed.

Whoever done this might still be in my house.

Anger swelled up inside me as I abruptly shoved the front door open
I was ready to confront anyone that attempted to mess with a hero. Even if it were those villians, I wanted to end this. Before I could even charge in I heard a loud click before a large explosion consumed my house. My heart dropped, it felt so surreal. Time slowed down, letting me relieve all the thoughts and feelings from the past week.

Most importantly.


The powerful blast sent me flying backwards towards the dimly lit road, forcefully pushing all the air out of my lungs. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for a hard impact that never came. I was shocked, yet releived as I felt large warm hands wrap around me. I immediately recognised who these arms belonged to.

Shouta Aizawa.

The hero stumbled backwards from the force of my body made contact with his. Once I was stable he turned me to face him, concern laced over his face. "Are you okay?"

Realization hit me as I seen the look in Aizawas eyes. I stuttered, a single tear falling down my ash covered cheek . "C-C-Caleb" I spat the words out of my mouth as I pushed Aizawa away, turning towards my burning house. I took two steps towards before I felt his scarf pull my arms back tightly. I landed in his comforting arms once again as he wrapped them around me shushing me. "Wait Here",  he instructed me and before I was able to react Shouta flipped his goggles on and ran head first into the crumbling building.

At that exact moment in time my legs turned to jelly, I felt myself collapse to the ground as they gave way beneath me. My hands hit the concrete, I bowed my head down, tears spilling out of me involuntarily. I couldn't control my irregular breathing.

What kind of hero breaks down crying while the two most important things in my life are in danger.

My (e/c) eyes widened as I realised how sure I was of my true feelings to Shouta Aizawa.

Wiping my hot tears furiously, I picked myself up. Inhaling sharply, I raised myself as much as I could without wavering  "I won't let you get hurt!". My veins glowed brightly with energy as I psyched myself up. I felt my eyes light up, brimming with confidence and rage. Before I knew it one foot stepped infront of the other as I leapt towards what once was my home.

"I told you to wait." A muffled voice rang through my ears as a silhouette emerged from the smoke. I grinded to a sudden halt, my hands covering my mouth. Shouta stood there unscathed, holding my Caleb. His scarf covered both of their faces so as not to inhale any of the thick black smoke.

"Sh-Shouta" I stepped closer still charged up.

Just say it. Now's a good a time as any.

"I-I Lov-"


We flinched as part of my house came crashing down. Ash and dust flew towards me causing me to cough abruptly. Caleb leapt from Shoutas arms into mine, digging his sharp claws deep into me as he was cowering. I hugged him as he nuzzled his soft face into my neck.

"I-It's okay C-Caleb. I'm sorry I l-left you in there" I sniffled, feeling guilty that I couldn't have stopped this.
Shouta walked down the stairs, puting his arm around me to guide me to safety. We stood in silence for a few minutes, watching the blaze take over my house. Everything I once had, that defined who I was had bruned to ash and rubble in a matter of minutes. Shouta kept his arm around me, trying to comfort me.

"We have n-nowhere to go." I looked down at Calebs confused beady eyes. He meowed in response onkt causing me to break down furthur.

"Yes you do."

"Sh-Shouta?" I wiped my tears on Calebs fur as he nuzzled into me also. "That's not fair on you." I watched as the scruffy hero sighed before my patting my head slightly. We stood their for a while longer before the authorities came. I felt as if they were interrogating me as they fired question after question. I wasn't sure of anything, my mind was a mess and the only thing I was finally sure about was Shouta.

"Lets go." He tugged at my shaky arm and I began to following him, Caleb in my arms. One last tear stung my cheek as I took a final glance towards the rubble that was once my house.


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