Chapter 26 - Acceptance ♡

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"Shouta Aizawa, what in the world do you think you're doing?" Recovery girl sped towards us, scolding the pro hero. "She needs to get to hospital."

"She's stubborn." He growled, supporting me.

"Sh-Shouta" The adrenaline had exited my system and all of a sudden my body was controlled by pain. I gripped Shoutas shirt roughly, attempting to stabilise my drowsy body. "I can't d-"

There was a sense of panic in Shouta's expression, mixed with sadness. Although it was faint, I could notice it. I gripped my side, groaning in pain. My body fell limp as I struggled to support myself.

"(Y/n)" Shouta pulled me towards him, his voice was soft and flat. "Hold on a little longer,please." His gaze shot to the nurse as I battled the immense pain.

"(Y/n), Sweetheart, it's okay." Recovery girl cooed me, assessing the damage to my body. "Try and keep your eyes open for me." Her gaze shot to Shouta, changing from sweet to deadly.

I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her.

"Get her on the bed." He nodded with a grunt, doing exactly as she said. As he helped me over I felt my knees buckle beneath me. My arms flailed around, trying to grip onto the tall, raven haired man.

"I've got you." He simply stated, running his fingers through my (h/c) tangled hair as he brought me onto the bed.

"In a-any other situation, th-this would be kinda sexy" I winked, lightening the mood a little. Recovery Girl raised her eyebrow at me as Shoutas face heated up in a crimson blush.

"I see your sense of humour isn't broken." A slight chuckle escaped her lips as she ushered us over to the sterile hospital style bed.

He gently lay me on the soft surface, taking the time to caress my flushed cheek, making his way to my matted hair. He combed his worn fingers through it, taking my attention off the kind nurse.

"This will take some energy out of you, but you'll feel better soon." She smiled sweetly, leaning forward to place a healing kiss on my ash covered forehead.

"Th-thank you" I murmured to her, attempting to shoot a slight smile. I could feel my exhausted (e/c) eyes grow heavy as my body attempting to drift into a slumber. My stiff head turned to my side, taking in Shoutas ragged appearance.

He too was covered in ash and dust. A sense of relief hit me as I scanned over him, looking for any injuries. There were a couple of scratches and his scarf was slightly charred but he himself was in a good place. I reached for him as my eyelids fought to stay pinned open.

"Dont worry. I'm not going anywhere." The corners of his lips raised slightly. A comforting pressure landed on my petite hand, assuring me he wouldn't leave.

And just like that, I fell asleep.


A smile graced my face as a familiar pair of hands made their way through my tangled locks of hair. It sent shivers of pleasures down my spine, distracting me from today's events. His hand froze on my scalp, making me pout slightly.

"I didn't say stop." I whispered sleepily, my eyes still shut slightly. Before I could open them I felt a warm pair of lips meet mine. A warm fuzzy feeling glazed over me, almost setting me in a trance.

"You worried me." My eyes flickered open, scanning his stoic expression.

"Tell your face that." A cheeky smile payed across my cut lips before I let out a large yawn. He sighed in response, grabbing my hand in his.

"Looks like I'll have to keep a close eye on you from now on."

"Looks like it." My cheeky smile faded ever so slightly, our eyes met as a tear rolled down my cheek. His free hand made its towards my cheek, rubbing the hot tear away with his rough hand. My face melted into his hand, enjoying his touch. I whipped the covers from me, swinging my frail legs so I was sitting opposite him.

"I don't want to stay here tonight."I groaned, rubbing the nape of my neck. He nodded in understanding, pulling me towards him. My arms immediately wrapped around his slender neck as he snaked his around my waist. He loosened his grip as he noticed me hiss under my breath in pain.

"I c-could've killed him.." I whispered feeling a lump appear in my throat. His index finger and thumb grabbed my chin softly, tilting my head to look deeply into his gorgeous dark eyes.

"You didn't." He leaned his forehead against mine, his hot breath fanning my face.

"I just felt so angry..." I sobbed, feeling his hold in me tighten. "He was going to hurt you, I couldn't let him..."

"That's in the past now." His voice was gentle and completely out of character for him.

"What if-"

His rough lips crashed against mine with a passion,taking my breath away. I closed my stunned eyes, melting into him, enjoying the warmth of his sweet, loving embrace. "You're a good person." He mumbled into my warm lips causing my heart to race substantially. This was a soft side of him that only I had the privilege of witnessing. A side that made me forget about everything around us. His lips parted from mine for a split second as he cupped my tear stained cheeks lovingly. "That's why I love you." I automatically smiled into his warm kiss, savouring every beautiful moment of it. Those were the words i yearned to hear, words that I never wanted to leave me. His kiss was gentle and kind, both our movements were completley in sync. We fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle, almost as if we were made for each other.

"I love you too."

"Let's go home" He pulled apart from my body slowly, instanly making me miss his soft, longing touch. Instead he laced his toned arm around my trembling waist, keeping me steady. I nodded, gripping onto his strong figure.

"There's somewhere I want to stop first."

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