Chapter 12 - Lost ∆

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My eyes were still closed but I felt that I was awake. I inhaled jaggedly feeling shivers shoot up my spine. Everything was deafeningly silent and through my ears everything was muffled. I opened my (e/c) eyes hesitantly , dreading the thought of being blind once again.

To my utter surprise I still had my eyesight although everything was extremely blurry and hard to make out. I murmured lowly under my shaky breath trying to keep my eyes open, "I-I won't let them hurt y-ou...S-Shouta." I slowly picked my weak self onto my hands and knees. Throughout my blurry vision I could see my left hand drenched In crimson blood due to the fact my head was resting on it uncomfortably. I could still feel the sticky blood  trickling down my pale face.

I flinched involuntarily as I heard a concerning voice shout my name followed by heavy footsteps quickly getting louder and louder.

If this is another villian I may aswell just lay down and die now

The voice wasn't Aizawas, that much I could tell, however it was familiar. My ears were ringing and I couldn't exactly pinpoint it. I jumped as the figure leaned down opposite me asking me if I was okay. It was as if whoever it was had appeared out of nowhere. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as the familiar figure  leaned closer. My eyes were in such a terrible state that it was as if he were a silhouette with no face. "I-I can't see" I stuttered, panicking while trying to make out the blurry face. My hands reached out to him instinctively, "Wh-who is this?" I heard the voice gasp sharply before answering.

"It's me, Hizashi" I groaned as he picked me to my feet in one swift move. Now that I could see his full body, including his hair it was a hell of a lot easier to make him out. Not many people looked like him. "Let's get you out of here." He supported me as he helped take me out of the forest as fast as he could manage.

I noticed a small group of people standing in the middle of the road talking. From the blur of figures mixed together I guessed it was Midnight, Shouta, and maybe someone from the police force. There was no longer a orange glow, symboling the fire must have been taken care of.

The fires out?

How long was I out for?

They turned around immediately as they heard Hizashi's Voice call out to them. "A little help here guys" he struggled, groaning as he held my clumsy body up. The group sharply gasped simultaneously. I witnessed as Aizawa leaped towards me without a thought. I felt as his warm arm caged me to supported my left side. Without hesitation, I pushed both of them away, and wobbled forward slightly, only for my wrist to be grabbed by a concerned Aizawa. "What the hell happened? I-We were searching everywhere." He growled at me through gritted teeth, although I could sense an infliction of concern in his monotone voice.

"You've lost alot of blood. Who the hell done this to you?"

I groaned refusing to respond at the moment. In my mind it felt better to keep things a secret rather than concern him.

I really don't need a lecture right now.

"Aizawa." Midnight attempted to scold him "Can't you see she's hurt?" She gestures towards me, her words pierced through Aizawas heart as his expression softened slightly.

"Theres nothing wrong with me", I interjected, lifting my hands up which were stained in blood. "I'M FINE".

Hizashi's hand landed on my shoulder, but was removed immediately when Aizawa glared at him. "She can't see." His wisper was solemn, everyone took their attention to my fuzzy eyes.

Aizawa took my face In his hands carefully , inspecting my eyes. "Her eyes are completely glazed over." His voice sounded laced with worry. "How much can you see?"

"Uhm..." I reached my hand out to find him hitting his face softly as I no longer had a sense of distance. "Y-you're really blurry..." I squinted, tilting my head, trying to make the picture a little clearer.

Atleast this time I can see something. What would I do, if I couldn't see you Shouta?

"We need to get you to a hospital", I felt his grasp on my weak shoulder tighten. I pushed Aizawa away in an attempt to show my independence.

Stop treating me like a damn kid.

"I'm fine, see." I said trying not to worry anyone, stumbling a couple of steps before I bumped into Midnight who tried to catch me. I made my way around her only to be blocked by Yamada, yet again.

Dammit, Yamada. You really are blocking me from everything tonight.

"Thanks for finding her" Shouta nodded lazily at Hizashi and pulled me away by the collar to get me checked out.


"Shut Up." His hair blew in the wind, revealing a soft expression on his face which contracdicted his tone of voice. I knew not to push any furthur. He was serious.

As we got further away I over heard the conversation between a curious Midnight and Present Mic.

"Why did he say thanks like that?" Midnight whispered.

"What? Like What?"

"Like he owns her?"

"Oh, beats me" Hizashi lied.

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