Chapter 14 - Listening ∆

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I woke up to clear vision and leaped out of bed, happily. I forgot how amazing it was just to be able to see well. I smiled widely when I seen the light rain trickling down my steamy window.

Today feels like a good day.

Maybe I should tell Shouta how I really feel?

I shook my head violently, pushing the thoughts away. Even though the signs told me he liked me, my self esteem seemed to push those though away.

He doesn't like you. He's a pro hero, it's his job to help you.

To my surprised I got up slightly earlier than my usual, changing into my hero costume. With feeling this good I decided I should atleast be productive for once. I stuck my tangled (h/c) hair in a messy bun, splashed myself with cold water and headed out for the day. "Bye Caleb! Mummy will see you tonight!" Caleb replied with a high pitched meow which melted my heart.

My baby understands me!

There wasnt really any need for me to patrol but I felt like I had to keep myself busy. I didn't want those villians catching me or Shouta off guard. The more time I was able to survey everything the less likely it was for him to be hurt.

Shouta. I promise I'll protect you.

No matter what.

The streets were the same as usual, it was quiet due to the rain and with it being still quite early. As I walked down the silent streets I couldn't help but think of Shouta. I caught his attractive smell on my hero costume making me shiver. 

Who knew you smelled this good.

I stopped, awkwardly hitting my cheek as I muttered myself "Stop being so creepy."

With that mindset before you know it you'll be watching him get undressed at his bedroom window.

The academy was doused in silence. I felt calm being here knowing that Shouta was in the same building as me. It was safer to be near eachother. I bounded up the stairs, oozing with confidence. I was excited about working another day with Aizawa. Hearing two familiar masculine voices, I stopped at the door towards the staff room.

"Shouta." The first voice asked, I recognised it as Hizashi. He had a mischievous tone in his voice making me giggle under my breath. Just hearing him this early in the morning fueled my headache. "If you keep avoiding me then I'll have to ask her."

I leaned closer into the door, itching to know what the were talking about.

Who is 'her'?

Eugh. Why am I feeling jelous?

Snap out of it, you aren't even together.

"I literally caught you both red handed."

I heard a familiar sigh,  it was definitely Shouta, trying not to give into Yamadas neverending teasing . "If you know, then why are you pestering me."

There was silence for a moment, "Guess i'll just ask (Y/n) then." I gasped, consumed by relief.

Of course their talking about me. About when Yamada barged in on us.

I heard Yamada tease him like a school boy "Why don't you just tell her you like he-"

"HEY! GLAD TO SEE YOU'RE DOING WELL!" I jumped, startled as All might appeared from nowhere, barging past me through the door. Present Mic also jumped while him and Shouta glanced at me. I hesitantly walked in after All might, blush tinting my cheeks.

They don't know you were listening.

Jesus... Why am I sweating so profusely.

"(Y/n)!" I didn't expect you back this early?" Hizashi jumped over to me, bending down to look at my eyes. I swatted him off as he poked at my left arm.

"That's enough Yamada." Shouta's deep voice was stern and never wavered once.

Hizashi backed away immediately, heading to sit opposite Aizawa again. I heard him whisper something incoherent before Aizawa sighed and looked the other way.

I sat next to Hizashi and opposite All might as the other teachers made their way into the room. I got tired of telling them I was okay and was finally able to relax when the bell eventually went. I headed down to class, Aizawa following behind me quietly. I could feel him eyeing me up and down which caused flashbacks of the other night. I covered my face before taking a deep breath. About two steps before I entered class I heard Shouta call me.

"You know, you shouldn't be here."

I spun round on my heel, looking up to meet his tired gaze. "Careful hero, that sounds suspiciously like a threat." I winked at him, causing him to blush ever so slightly. Although, his face still stayed serious, which I had to admit was quite impressive.

"You know, now that I can see again. I can't help but notice how pink your cheeks are."

"You know.." he leaned into me, placing his hand against the wall. I gulped,falling backwards slightly. "I can't help but notice how pink your cheeks are when I do this".

He pressed his dry lips against mine,taking my breath away momentarily. I tried my best to resist, pushing him forward. "Sh-shouta" he broke the kiss,  leaning his forhead against mine.

"S-someone will see" I stammered. I watched him smile at me in a cheeky demeaner as he gazed into my half lidded (e/c) eyes.

"Someone did see." Both of us turned to the sound of the voice mocking us, seeing Hizashi standing there smugly which a grin that stretched ear to ear.

I looked down towards my feet, smiling awkwardly. Shouta glared at him making me relieved I wasn't on his bad side. "Why Is it always you, Yamada". He growled through gritted teeth while pushing me into class before him, not breaking his glare with Yamada once. I heard Yamada's signature chuckle echo throughout out the hall as we made our way to the front of the class. The students didn't even realise we had entered until Aizawa slammed his hand down onto the table, immediately summoning silence into the room.

Let's do this.

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