Chapter 22 - Bound ♡

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When I eventually woke up I wasn't convinced that my eyes were even open. The room was so dark that i couldn't even realise an eerie silhouette Infront of me. One old lightbulb hung from the damp ceiling, swaying left and right slowly. A musty smell lingered in the air.

I moved my trembling hands slightly only to feel the cold, chain restraints around my frail wrists. The shadowy figure Infront of me laughed hysterically at my desperate struggle to escape. As he leaned forward his maniac face emerged from the darkness.

"Don't think I'll let you live this time" I couldn't reply to him as a thick piece of duck tape had covered my mouth.

"I'm going to watch you burn like how you watched my daughter" he left for a second, those words ringing through my ears. Tears pricked the sides of my eyes. Before I knew it he was back with what looked like a large tank of gasoline.

My heart stopped. He knew exactly What he was doing. He was recreating events.

I can't use my quirk.

I'll accidently set myself ablaze.

His tired face grew close to mine causing me to flinch. I felt the warm, sticky substance run through my tangled hair and down my body. He brought his slender finger down to my face, tracing my trembling jawlinw before placing his fingertip on the side of the duck tape.

"If you scream, not only will I kill you but I'll kill your pathetic hero too " he practically spat the words at me. I let out a shaky whimper in response as he slowly peeled off the duct tape. The pain reminded me I was alive, that I had a chance of escaping to Shouta.

"You're a monster" I hissed as the gasoline slithered over my quivering lips.

Taking out a silver lighter from his pocket, he ignited it and brought the flame to my face ever so slowly. I clenched my eyes trying to push myself furthur away from him. The chair screeched slightly at my movements but failed to budge.

"We all know who the monster is here" his voice become shaky as if his emotions were getting the better of him.

"It was a mistake, I'm s-sorry I-"

"It's all your fault, you don't deserve to call yourself a hero" I watched as the dancing light got furthur away from me. He made a trail from me to the door with the gasoline before coming back to torment me yet again. A wide toothy grin flickered across his illuminated face as he pulled out a sharp, silver knife from his pocket. He traced my male skin with the sharp blade making me gulp audibly.

"I've been waiting so long for this" his voice seemed to get more hysterical, more psychotic. "Everything I've done was to torment you" He dug the knife into my tear stained cheek, sliding it down slowly. I winced, trying to compose myself. His face contorted, changing into a somewhat desperate expression.

"This won't solve anyth-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I CUT YOU'RE TONGUE OFF" he barked, shutting ne up instantly. I watched him back off to lace the room with gasoline.

"You just had to get in the way didn't you? It was supposed to be Eraserhead first and then you, but you just had to get in the damn way" The villian began to mumble, clutching his head in despair. Seeing this made my stomach knot in fear but I kept silent, provoking him would only make the situation worse.

"As soon as I realised that lowlife hero meant something to you, I wanted to make you feel what I felt. How do you feel knowing that after this I'm going straight over to reduce him to dust?"

"Leave him out of this" his smirk grew wider as he threw the tank down and grabbed my sticky (h/c) hair violently. I flinched as the flame danced closer to me. I watched as the vibrant flame grew in the reflection of his eyes. Behind that, I saw myself, shaking in absolute fear and drenched in petrol.

"I will destroy every fucking thing you love untill there's no trace of the villian that you are left."

"I'm sorr-"

I was cut off by a powerful punch to the face that knocked the chair I was on over. My head slammed against the cold, hard floor, rendering me light headed. The strong smell of gasoline infiltrated my nostrils, making me cough violently. Out of my blurry vision I saw him saunter towards the door menacingly, the flame still burning bright.

"What gives you the right to decide who lives and dies-"

"Can't you see you're doing the exact same?" I hissed back, intersecting his words. As I inhaled gasoline slithered down my throat, forcing me to cough violently.

"Tch" he scoffed. "I'm just taking out the trash of this world." His large foot made direct contact with my face, sending blood gushing out of my pursed lips.

This is how I die.

"Please..." I begged to no avail. Ignoring my words he continued to beat me as I lay helpless on the floor. After a few seconds I could feel my vision blur. I blinked a few times, trying not to fall into an unconscious state.

"I trusted you." He yelled, his boot making contact with my stomach at each syllable.

"I-I'm..s-so-sorry" I exhaled, feeling pain soar throughout my system.

"No, I'm sorry." He chirped, leaning down next to my ear. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine. I flinched trying to back away, only to have him grab my hair with force. "I'm sorry for those pathetic enough to put their faith in the likes of you..."

"Heroes." He spat. "Stain had the right idea." He slammed my head into the concrete forcefully..

"It..." I breathed out, feeling my body grew heavy.

"I-it should...have" all the strength I could muster was pushed into that one sentence but I couldn't take it anymore. The sheer pain was unbearable. Almost as unbearable as lying here awaiting death.

"I wish it was."

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