Chapter 4 - Over Charged ♡

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My eyes flickered open, met by a blinding white light. I was lying in silence, all I could hear was the steady, tedious beeps of the heart monitor. In a panic my muscles tensed and I abruptly sprung up, accidentally sending a surge of electricity through the wires which immediately blew up the heart monitort and Iv line I was attached to. The machines made a loud crashing sound as they shattered into millions of shards flying across the room.

"Holy Shit!" I heard a familiar low but raised voice coming from my right. I turned around to see a startled Aizawa with his face shielded by his large scarred hands. He dropped his shield as a nurse and a doctor bounded into the room clumsily. I shrugged, my face blushing from embarassment.


"I'm sorry..."

The two who just entered the room looked around In shock at the carnage I had just caused. I watched as they whispered to eachother before lowering my head in shame.

"What happened?" The doctor breathed out, his brows arched in a confused manner.

"She woke up." Aizawa answered sharply, making me snicker a little. I studied his face, something about him seemed a little different but I couldnt quite put my finger on it.

"You caused this much destruction just from waking up?"the nurse questioned me in disbelief. Her eyes scanned the room in a nervous way. I lowered my head into my hands, only to feel Aizawa place his hand on my shoulder in an effort to comfort me. The warmth of his touch on my body caused my cheeks to heat up yet again. Looking around at him, our eyes met briefly. I bit my lip slightly as a coping mechanism.

"The lightning left your quirk overcharged." He said without breaking eye contact, his eyes wavered slightly, landing on my lips.

"Yes." The doctor chipped in. "You're lucky your body can handle that much energy." He paused "However, I urge you to be careful with that much power running though you. You are a serious dangerous towards yourself and others."

I nodded in understanding. "How long will it last?"

"I'm afraid that is unpredictable, it could be anything from a few hours to a few days." I sighed and leaped out of the bed. I didn't have to worry about any wires since I had just blown them half way across the room.

"Where the hell are you going?" Aizawa stood up, questioning me.

"Home." I felt him grab my wrist from behind as I tried to get away.

"You've literally just been struck by lightning", I twicthed feeling his grasp tighten.

"That doesn't change the fact that I have a cat to feed." As I said that the lights in the hospital flickered. Everyone looked at me concerned, more about their safety than anything else. Aizawa let go of me, only for me to be stopped in the doorway by the doctor.

"Please be careful on the way out. The machines here run on electricity, some patients can't afford them to be interfered with." I smiled smugly at the doctor's remark, raising my hands in a surrender. He had good intentions but just came across as plain rude. Aizawa followed me all the way out of the hospital, never once letting me out of his sight.

"Aizawa - "

He stopped me with a huff, "Just call me Shouta."

"Shouta." I smiled. " I appreciate the help but aren't you going to school now?"

He sighed at me with puffy, tired eyes. "It's my day off. Plus, I would rather make sure you get home safe."

I snickered, "It's not me you have to worry about." Shouta huffed and walked Infront of me, as if leading me.

You really are a stubborn man.

Trying to take back control of the situation, I snapped my fingers causing a streetlight to explode above us. The sparks of light trickled down reflecting off the rain. Aizawa flinched,spinning round to look at me with frustration glazed over his dark, bloodshot eyes.

"This way." I chuckled and walked ahead in the opposite direction from him.

"Are you always this reckless." The dark voice questioned me flatly, it didn't take him long to catch up as his legs were alot longer than mine. I was only 5ft 1 so everyone else seemed to tower over me. I guess that was another reason why people referred to me as a child. The thought made me pout, triggering Shoutas eyebrows to raise.

"Depends on my mood." I glanced next to me, only to see him try and avoid eye contact.

"Thanks Ai- Shouta", I shyly let out.

He tilted his head before furrowing his dark brows at me, slowing his pace slightly to meet mine.

"What for?"

"For not leaving me lying in the middle of the road" I laughed at him, nervously. For some reason my heart started to beat faster.

"If I left you, I wouldn't be much of a hero". He replied dryly but something in his eyes had changed. After a while with minimal chitchat, I stopped abruptly infront of my apartment. Shouta eyed me and then eyed my apartment.

"I'll...see you at school tomoro-"

"No. You won't." I stared blankly at him. I had just started this job and i didnt want to ruin things.

"Yes.. I will" my eyes lit up a magnificent orange shade.

"Not in the condition you are in." I huffed and swivelled around about to let myself into my apartment. I couldn't escape the feeling of his glare on my back and in shear frustration I accidently blew the light upbove my door as I got close to it.


I sighed, looking at the shards of glass which were newly strewn across the floor.

"Impressive." He teased me. I swung round, frowning at him. His arms were crossed, focussing solely on me.

"Thanks for everything" I hissed back, placing my hand on the door to let myself in. Once I got to my apartment I approached the window in my living room. Peering out I watched Aizawa saunter off on his own.

Why the hell did I have to speak to him like that. He just helped me.

Now you're going to have to apologise.

Covering my face, I spun around and plonked down onto the sofa.

Stop being so defensive.

What's wrong with me.

I looked up and my gorgeous cat, Caleb and sighed. His eyes were shining bringing hope to my scruffy apartment.

"Caleb..." I stroked his soft fur. "I think I like someone" I whined, listening to calebs desperate meows for food.

Thanks for the support buddy. Already you know your priorities,huh?

"Okay, okay! I know!" I raised my hands in surrender and obeyed the wishes of my feline companion.

"You're lucky I love you", I bent down and planted a kiss between his ears.

For the rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about Shouta. There wasnt any reason for me to feel the way I do but I found my thoughts constantly consisting of him. I wasnt use to relationships of any kind, I had been alone my whole life. My family didn't agree with the hero life which resulted in me leaving home at a young age. They never thought I would make it. In their eyes i was more likely to be a villian. I never really made friends since I valued being on my own too much. Even the few relationships I had been in fizzled out fairly quickly. I guess my problem was that I could never have a stable relationship with anyone. I was waiting for the one. Clutching my chest I shook all these thoughts from my mind.

You're better off alone.

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