Chapter 6 - No Quirks ♡

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Today's lesson was focused on fighting without using quirks. A few of the students, mainly Bakugou wasnt exactly thrilled about it. Bakugou was extremely hot headed and every now and then we had to tell him to deactivate his quirk. Shouta I took the class together as he believed I was capable of it, surprisingly enough.

At first I was sweating with nerves but it became easier the more I spoke. Before I knew it, Aizawa had stepped back and I was practically taking the class myself. However, I still felt a slight bit of pressure, part of me really wanted to impress Shouta.

"It's important to be able to fight well when In a crisis especially-"

"E-especially when you've reached the limit with your quirks."

Aizawa glanced at me, as I stole his train of thought. "Awh look, their finishing eachothers sentences!" Uraraka beamed, jumping up and down with joy. I smiled awkwardly glancing at Uraraka, mouthing for her to shush. I felt my stomach knot knowing that the pro teacher was observing ever action of mine, even though I was doing fairly well I had moments where the nerves got the better of me.

Aizawa stepped closer to me as he ushered the students to begin sparring with eachother. "Remember, learn from everyone else's moves to strengthen your own" he yelled various tips like this to the students. My heart melted realising how he cared about these kids. I let out a goofy smile as a warmth engulfed my whole body.

Shouta, you're really a softie when it comes to your students.

"Nearing the end of the lesson, if anyone is confident enough to take on a pro hero you may pick either me or Blackout." I jumped back In shock, glancing at Aizawa. My mouth was wide open in am extremely unattractive way. He had shook me out of my peaceful train of thought. Part of me thought he was absolutely crazy but just looking at him made my heart beat faster. I found myself staring at him time and time again but was Immediately distracted at the uproar of the students. In the jumble of complaints and excitement It was hard to tell who was shouting what but I was able to pick out a few choice responses.

"What happens if we win?" A deep voice questioned, it sounded like Todoroki. He was usually a shy, quiet boy so it was a bit of a surprise to hear him speak up.

"If you win..." I thought for a second but nothing was coming to mind.

"You don't have to sit the written test tomorrow." Aizawa continued, he was obviously trying to coax them into it and make them unsettled.

I watched Uraraka jump up and down yet again "he finished her sentence!". I looked for Aizawas reaction, under his pale complexion I noticed there was a hint of blush. I couldn't stop myself from grinning like a cheshire cat, he isn't one for showing any emotion. Shouta caught my gaze and raised his left eyebrow slightly before I could avert my eyes.

"IM TOTALLY GONNA KILL YOU BLACKOUT!" An angry voice that was definitely Bakugou, challenged me. My head snapped round to see his wide grin, his red eyes gleaming with determination.

Of course. I couldn't have expected anyone else.

Neither me, or Shouta showed signs of being surprised. This was inevitable.

Typical Bakugou.

There was a few sighs in the crowd, Midoriya swivelled around to face Bakugou. "Why Blackout? What about Mr. Aizawa?" He questioned him curiously, eyes reflecting from the sunlight.

"Don't you know, Deku!" Bakugou spat at the small, green haired boy. "I want a real fight! Besides, we've already seen what Mr Aizawa can do, I'm bored of it!"

I looked at Aizawa who had since crossed his arms, his brow furrowed In annoyance. I wasn't sure wether Bakugou had just given me a backhanded compliment but I let It slide anyways. As the students finally got into their sparring matches I edged closer to Shouta giggling under my breath.

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