Chapter 17 - The Past ♡

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There were bright flames everywhere. Teasing me about the inevitability of death and destruction. All I could see were flashes of orange and red. I couldn't save them. I was frozen. They turned to ashes before me, screaming as the flames devoured them.

A girls bloodcurdling scream pierced through my skull. She was trapped under the rubble. My feet froze beneath me. The house was crumbling to ashes.


A beam fell crushing her beneath it. Her muffled screams sent chills down my spine as the fire engulfed her

I couldn't save her.

I was all my fault.


I woke up in tears letting out a terrifying scream. My face instinctively was placed on my hands as I say upright in bed, sobbing uncontrollably.

What's wrong with me?  Why couldnt I save her. 

The dream was fresh in my mind causing me to pant heavily while rubbing my eyes. I was shaking furiously, my skin sticky with sweat.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, im sorry" I muttered through sobs.

I was startled when Shouta ran into the room with a confused expression on his face. He kneeled opposite me on the bed, placing his hands on my shoulders. "You have to control your breathing." I nodded, taking deep breaths that caught in my throat every time I inhaled and exhaled. Once I had calmed down and my breathing was no longer ragged he crossed his legs and looked at me. "What the hell happened?"

I shrugged, wiping my face. "Just a bad dream, I guess".

"It looks like more than that."

"I-I don't remember."

Why would I lie to him?

Shoutas features soften as he embraced me in a long hug, rubbing my back. "I just felt so scared". My voice cracked slightly as I sniffled.

"It okay. It wasn't real, I promise." I could feel his large hands rubbing around in circles on my back. It sent an intense comfort through me bringing me back to reality.

"You're right. Thank you, Shouta." I pulled away from him after quickly kissing him on the lips.

The memory of the nightmare faded as both Shouta and I got ready for another day at school. I came through to Shouta while in my hero costume completely flustered. "I-I don't have any makeup" I panicked. Shouta tilted his head his lips curling at the edges into a smile.

"You're gorgeous."

I smiled at him blushing as I pointed to my neck. I seen the realisation hit his face as he smirked "Oh." He looked intensely at my neck which was covered in an abundance of love bites.

"Nezu is going to kill me." I started freaking out.

I love this job.

I cant lose it.

I watched as Shouta covered his mouth, hiding his laugh. "YOU'RE EVI-"

"I won't let him."

Picking up a cushion from the Sofa I threw it at him "Stop laughing!" This only made him laugh harder as he tackled me and pinned my hands at the side of my head.

"Shouta!" I yelled, hiding my laugh as his lips touched my neck. "I'm totally going to kill you!" Freeing one of my hands I picked up the pillow from behind my head but before I could hit him he grabbed my wrist and smirked cheekily.

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