Chapter 10 - Distraction ♡

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We were about half way through the movie but I wasn't paying much attention. I kept stealing glances at Shouta and was convinced he was doing the same to me.

Snap out of it (Y/n) You're becoming obsessed.

I jumped at the loud ringing of Shoutas phone, he glanced at me, apologetically, declined the call and set it on the table.

Did he decline that just for me.

I could feel my face burning up yet again, I couldn't escape the feeling of his lips against mine in the rain. It was so romantic and unexpected. My heart rate rapidly increased as I relived the situation. I let out an accidental sigh, causing the lights and tv to flicker a few times. This distracted Shouta as he turned to look at me, my face was an Impressive shade of pink. Immediately I looked away, attempting to avert my gaze.

"Was that you?" My eyes moved to look at him blankly, trying to find the right words so as not to give away my feelings. It was obvious that he already knew the answer. Before I knew it he leaned in close to me, whispering in a husky voice,"What were you thinking about that got you so flustered?". I felt my breath catch in my throat. Slowly he leaned in, scanning my expression. Our lips were barely a centimetre apart, I couldn't control myself. Without thinking, I leaned forward and closed the gap, taking his rough lips in mine.

What the hell am I doing.

One of his hands ran through my hair causing me to grip onto his chest tightly. My mood dropped as he broke the kiss, leaving me wanting more. His face scraped past mine as he whispered in my ear teasingly, "If you dare electrocute me this time, I'll erase your quirk." I giggled as he sucked on my ear lobe before he made his way down to my neck, kissing and sucking it gently. I felt tingles throughout my whole body as I controlled the building energy within me. He bit my neck gently, making me dig my nails into his back more aggressively. I felt his body shudder, under my touch. Breaking the mood, his phone loudly began ringing again. He lay his head on my shoulder and sighed, declining the call once again then throwing his phone across the room violently. His dark eyes glared imto mine deeply. Breathlessly I stammered, "Why didn't you take that?".

He sighed, "It was Yamada". I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, which was cut off as Aizawas lips pressed against mine yet again. This time was different. He aggressively smashed his lips against mine, his hands pushing me down onto the sofa, so I was lying flat on my back. I let my hands wander down his back, gripping him tightly. His body wavered slightly as he placed his hand on my neck while deepening the kiss. "Sh-Shouta" I moaned, quietly as I could feel my iris's change colour.

Shoud I stop. Shit. I can't control myself.

He backed away slowly, taking in the shining orange sparks in my eyes. "I-I can stop" he rested his forehead against mine for second. The way he was breathing made my heart race even further.

"I..don't want to stop. " My cheeks flushed pink as I took in a ragged breath.

I placed my hands behind his neck and brought him in closer, engaging our lips together once again. I felt his wandering hands trace my body, cautiously. He gripped the bottom of the sweater I wore tightly, his hands shaking. I breathed in sharply as his hands moved underneath onto my bare skin. Before anything else he broke the kiss, looking deeply into my orange speckled eyes. "Are you okay?" His hot breath engulfed my face making hum in pleasure. I nodded, "Yes." With this confirmation he slid his hands up slightly leaning in to meet my lips. I ran my hand over his toned chest, feeling his breathing quicken.

Before he could touch my lips with his, the door to his house flew open with a loud bang, a figure charging in. We both sat up immediately, Shoutas hair on end, eyes gleaming red. He let out a sigh, deactivating his quirk as we seen it was only Yamada.

Great timing.

"WHOAH." The loud figure covered his eyes and spun round swiftly. Shouta jumped of me and immediately yelled at him.

"What the hell are you doing here? You can't just barge into someone's home!"

"Its important. You weren't answering you're calls and the door was unlocked so-"

"What the hell do you want?" He growled, still out of breath.

"There's a fire in the forest, some kids are still trapped."

We both gasped, I could tell Shouta was filled with regret,guilt filled my conscience. "Shit."

Why the fuck didn't I just tell him to answer his god damned phone.

"Hurry up. Midnight is there already but there's no way she can do this alone."

"I'm coming too". I chirped in, even though I was little worried about using my quirk In this weather around innocent children.

I have to atleast try.

Present Mic bolted out of the house, followed by Aizawa and then me trailing behind.

You wouldn't think I'm known for my speed.

It took a little over 5 minutes to get there and I was panting in an unattractive manner. The forest was a blaze, bright flames reached high up the trees. In the midst of everything I could hear the blood curdling screams of the children who were trapped, echoing above the crackling of the fire.

Midnight, Present Mic and Eraserhead immediately got to work, finding the best plan of action to save the kids from peril.

Something feels wrong. The fire is only surrounding the children.

Did a villian do this?

Everything feels so familiar.

I felt a burning sensation digging into the back of my skull as of someone was watching me. Growling, I turned around to see a tall man in a dark grey hoodie and dark blue ripped jeans. I couldn't make out any of his features but I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear in a malicious way. He disappeared into the forest behind me. I followed him, cautiously. Aware that everyone else was completely focused on the fire.

Im capable of doing things alone.

I kept on walking, following behind the strange man at a safe distance. He came to a stand still, a good mile out from where the road was. The atmosphere was dark and sinister. I edged closer, taking note of two more people creeping out from behind me. I was cornered but I didn't feel nervous at all. My quirk could easily floor them all In an instant, but I was hesitant to risk it. One by one, they all took their hoods down. I looked at them all intently, realising I was screwed.

"Not you guys..."

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