Chapter 5 - Because I Sneezed ♡

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I woke up early, still on my sofa, at 5:30am. Stretching my arms and legs, I watched Caleb who was chasing around a tiny spider before it disappeared through a crack in the wall. Luckily, I never broke anything in my apartment. I could feel the abundance of electricity coarsing through me. The tingles spread through each of my toes as I stood up.

Man, I can't wait untill I'm back to normal.

I knew that I should be more careful in my situation but for some reason I wouldnt listen to myself or anyone else. I replayed what Aizawa said to me in my head about me being reckless.

Yeah, I am reckless. If I were sensible I wouldn't be a hero.

I looked down at my watch to see only 5 minutes had passed since I woke up. I told myself that no matter what I would go to work today. There's no way I was going to let the students that I had just met down.

I'm okay. I can control myself.

I reassured myself over and over in my mind. I was unlikely to hurt any of the students, I only seemed to be affecting electrical devices that were nearby to me.

If a student takes their phone out though it may be a problem.

I decided that since it was early, I would make myself useful and go out on patrol before school starts. After feeding a hungry Caleb I jumped into my hero costume, plastered my mask on my face and bolted out of the apartment. I lowered my head as I walked past a couple of residents who were in a heated argument about the state of the light.

I'll make it up to you Shota.

The idea to take Shota out for a coffee bounced through my mind. I needed to thank him...and apologise.

Is it too soon to ask him out? It's not like its a date or anything, it's just common decency.

The morning was quiet and extremely peaceful. The vibrant sun was gleaming bright in the sky and there was nothing to hear but the happy chirping of the early birds. I was glad to see there was no trouble on the streets but it also bored me. Eventually, the time soon came for me to enter the academy yet again. Everyone was in the staff room barre Eraserhead.

"Hey Blackout! Bet your feeling charged!" Yamada yelled at me with a playful tone in his voice.

Shouta must have told them everything.


I winced In response, "Gees, are you always this loud in the morning."

Midnight chuckled heartedly, sweeping her hair to the side "He never quits being this loud."

Yamada yelled at her to shut up as Midnight high fived me for teasing him. Nezu and Almight walked in cheerfully, by their faces I could tell they weren't expecting me. We exchanged pleasantries, asking how eachother were doing and then finally getting on with our own things.

Aizawa sluffishly made his way into the room, a little startled to see me sitting there. He opened his mouth about to say something but before he could my face crumpled and I let out a loud sneeze. A sneeze that sent sparks flying out of my body, and up Yamada's leg who was sitting next to me, a little to close for his safety.

He jumped up suddenly, yelling in his loud voice while patting his pocket down as a cloud of smoke surrounded it. Pulling his phone out he threw it from one hand to the other like a hot potato before eventually dropping it onto the table. Midnight roared with laughter, tears in her eyes as she saw the burnt out phone with a shattered screen. The black plume of smoke forced Yamada to cough violently, holding back his tears. The rest of the heroes looked a mixed of amused and concerned, besides Midnight who found it hilarious. I stood up, ashamed, looking at Yamada.

This could literally only happen to me.

I removed my hand from my mouth "I'm so sorry...i-ill buy you another one." He looked at me sympathetically, wide eyed.

If this is the start to my day then maybe I should have stayed home.

"I was going to get another one anyways... It was my fault for sitting so close." His tone lowered slightly from go usual upbeat one.

I parted his back in an apologetic way as the rest of the room was silent. Quickly, I scampered out of the room, feeling Shoutas intimadating gaze burn through my skull. At that moment all I could imagine was him saying "I told you so".

I sat alone in classroom 1-A cringing at the situation I just left. "Idiot!" I slapped my cheek hard, leaving a red mark.

"I told you not to come in." A deep familiar voice teased.

Just what I was expecting.

"What do you want me to were right?" I sighed, pressing my forehead against the table in front of me. "I came in because I thought my quirk couldn't hurt anyone...guess I was wrong."

Before I knew it, Aizawas hand lay on my head. My breathing quickened as I tried not to blush. As I raised my head slowly, his hand slipped down to the back of my neck.

"No." His lips abruptly pushed out of his mouth. I frowned at him. "You didn't hurt hurt his phone. It can be replaced."

I looked into his eyes, deep In thought. The warmth In his hand pressed to my neck left a comforting feeling. His fingers slowly twiddled my hair sending tingles of pleasure down my spine. His chest rose and fell steadily each time he inhaled and exhaled. I let out a weird sigh as I admired him and immediately looked away, blushing.

Stop being so weird. He's totally going to notice.

"Aslong as the students don't have anything electrical when they are near you, they'll be fine." He let out a lazy smirk at the corner of his lips.

Even your smile is beautiful.

My eyes were focused on his lips moving as he spoke. Aizawa must have noticed me admiring him and broke eye contact in an instant. At that moment in time I wanted to ask him on a date, although I would disguise it as me saying thank you.. and sorry to him.

"Um, Shouta. Can I ask you something?"

He looked me up and down curiously. "Yes of cou-"

We were disrupted by the students barging into class as the ringing of the bell pierced through our ears. At that moment I leapt up out of my seat, Shouta pulled his hand away from my neck and rubbed the back of his head. The students were too busy rambling to notice mine and Shoutas heated situation. He lazily put his hands in his pockets, observing the students as they took their assigned seats.

"Alright class. First things first" Aizawas voice boomed throughout the classroom, immediately silencing the class. I had to admit, he kind of startled me, also. "Before we head outside, I want everyone to make sure all electrical devices are left behind in class." I perked up, feeling relieved slightly. It was one less thing to worry about. Of course,the students weren't happy about it, they were all In the midst of complaining. Bakugou was angrily shouting about the issue from the back of the class where Iida was standing up waving his hands around for everyone to stop arguing and to listen. Mineta whined making some pervy reason which I chose to ignore and asked why, almost crying about it.

"Because I sneezed." I answered bluntly, a hint of frustration in my smooth voice. The students went quiet looking at me in awe, filled to the brim with confusion. Before I could say anything else, Shouta broke the silence and ushered them to head to the sports field. They buzzed with excitement, one after the other trailing out of class.

I wish I had that half that much energy in the morning.

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