Chapter 21 - Note ♡

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Startled I woke up immediately. Panic was already set in my system thanks to my fine tuned fight or flight response.

Was that a window?

I was still so fragile it took me a moment to stand up. My legs quivered below me, almost tempting me to sit back down. Out of the corm of my eye I noticed that the space on the sofa next to me was empty.

I'm glad he finally went back to work.

Using all my strength I made the way to the bottom of the stairs. Not knowing what was ahead  I charged up my hand as a defence mechanism. I was already so out of breath , whatever I had dreamed about really took a toll on me. Sweat stained my clothes, my breathing was ragged .

Another Nightmare?

I stood at the top of the stairs, psyching myself up for a minute. Peeling around the corner, to my surprise I couldn't see anything out of place. All I could feel was a slight breeze, sending chills througout my system.

Thud Thud Thud

I jumped at the sudden noise, letting out a sigh of relief as I realised it was Caleb and Violet running around frantically. They skidded on the floor as they zoomed past me.

Are you guys scared too?

Raising my index finger to my lips I told the cats to hush, not like they would understand a word I was saying. The door to Shoutas bedroom loomed over me in an eerie manner, I felt my heart race substantially. Placing my hand that wasn't electrified onto the door I clenched my eyes and shoved it open swiftly.


The room was completely empty besides the chilly breeze coming from the smashed window. Walking over to the window, being careful of the glass shards I peered my head out. Even the street below was complelty empty. This room was fairly high up so I assumed it must have been a bird or something.

Turning back around an object caught my eye. Lying there on the floor was a medium sized rock. My first thought was that a rebellious kid had done this but as I got closer I noticed a note bound tightly to the stone.

"What the hell?" I muttered under my breadth , picking up the suspicious looking rock. I unwrapped the note  and opened it cautiously. It had a time and an address followed by the words;

If you don't want you and your precious lover to burn in your sleep, you won't be late.

I felt myself clench my chest tightly. Memories from my past flooded my mind as I fell onto the bed in tears.

I can't let Shouta die.

I have to save him, even if it means sacrificing my self.

I inhaled deeply as I leaped of the bed. Immediately I winced in pain, realising I had stepped on one of the shards of glass. My face screwed up as I carefully made my way out of the room. Every time my injured foot hit the hard floor I would his in pain.



Before I knew it the time had come. My body shook with a mix of fear and anger. No matter what, I had to do this. I wouldn't ever allow to die because of me. Never again. Shouta would be home from work soon meaning he would come home to an empty house. I prayed that I would come back to him, I promised him I would stay by his side forever.

I intend to keep that promise.

Today, the dull weather felt gloomy and extremely fore boding. Grey, fluffy clouds hung over me, threatening to burst with rain. After a few long minutes of walking, debating wether I was doing the right thing, the clouds burst. I let the tears stroll down my cheeks as the raindrops merged with them, simulating that I was okay.

I told myself over and over again that things would work out. There's no way I would leave him, I want to protect him. Shouta Aizawa is my priority, my love. It was an unexpected turn of events but now i was severly attached to him. My body froze immediately as I came across the dimly lit alleyway. Everything seemed real now.

Whatever happens, I can overpower him.

I'm not that weak little girl anymore.

Taking a sharp deep breath I turned the corner swiftly only to find myself face to face with the armoured villian. Immediately he grabbed my neck with absolute brute force and pinned me against the wall. I had absolutely no time to react and even if I did, I was far too weak. It was as if he had planned exactly how things would turn out. At first I struggled, attempting to thrash side to side in order to get out of his grip.

I had two options. The first was if I could manage to over power him I could end it all here and there. That option becamse less and less likely as his grip tightened around me. This villian already had the upper hand. He had strategically planned which way I would come to the alley, which side I would emerge from. He had the upper hand and there was nothing I could do about it.

My second option seemed the most likely at this point in time and was verging on unchangeable. He wanted me here and In return Shouta would not be harmed.

If being captured and most likely killed means Shoutas saftey.

Then maybe.

I'm okay with that.

"I'll torture you like you tortured me." He hissed as he pushed me furthur into the brick walk. I could feel my back creating an indentation in the brick work. The wall moulded to my shape, push by push.

"It Accident" I choked out to best of my ability. It felt as if my head would explode due to the complete lack of oxygen

"The only accident was your survival." And with those words his fist sent me back into the pitch blackness that I was all too familiar with.

"You'll never see that damn hero again."

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