Chapter 2 - Shadow ♡

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Today was the day I start my new job as a teacher at UA High. I felt sick to the stomach with nerves. I had never mentioned this to Nezu but I wasn't exactly the best with kids and to make things worse I was an extremely anxious person. Especially when it came to social situations

Man.. I hope the kids take me seriously.

I wondered if anyone would even know who I am as I walked through the gates. It was still early in the morning and I must've yawned about six times on my way here. The sky was extremely bright and clear

The building was huge, towering over me. It reminded me of when I was a student here, running around frantically like a headless chicken trying to impress every one. I smiled at the happy memories, thankful that this time I wasn't a student.

Once I was in the academy I took my mask off and clipped it to my belt. I figured if I wore a mask while meeting the teacher's that they wouldn't form the best first impression of me.

Stop over thinking.

Eventually, after walking around for what seemed like hours I finnally found the staff room. Hesitantly, I pushed the door open, revealing everyone who was there before me. They all looked at me hesitantly, probably assuming that I was just a list student. I heard a few comments based on how young I was which caused me to glare at them, sparks in my eyes.

Hold yourself together, you haven't even introduced yourself yet.

"It's great to see you, Blackout!" Principle Nezu cheerfully greeted me. Every one waved and said hello, except for one man. He had pitch black, charcoal hair and a pale complexion. I felt my cheeks heat up just from the sight of his ruggedly attractive appearance. That man was Shouta Aizawa  aka Eraserhead. For a long time I had admired this man, there was something mysterious and sexy about him. I shook my head, snapping myself out of it.

Don't let yourself get so distarcted on your first day.

You're not here to date wo-workers. You won't even be here long enough.

" too... please, call me (Y/n).."

Nezu thought for a moment, his words changing to sympathy. "How are you feeling?"

"Mostly bored" I sighed.

"Ah, yes. Injuries that limit hero work can really being a hero down".

Immediately he changed his train of thought. "Since you are new... and I have to say exceptionally young-" he paused in shock as the lights in the room, as well as the TV flickered as he said that. Everyone hid their smiles, apart from Eraserhead who still had a solemn expression on his face but was looking at me intently.

"Sorry." I huffed. Sometimes when I let the emotions get the better of me I can cause a slight power outage. Over the past couple of years I have been extremely sensitive about my age. The way heroes act with me is the reason I prefer to work alone.

I need to work on that.

Even though I was a pro hero I couldn't help but let my emotions control my quirk, it was pathetic.

"Um... I'm pairing you up with Aizawa. You will shadow him untill you are confident enough to teach alone."

Great. Pair me up with smiley over there.

There was still about 15 minutes left untill class would officially start so I slumped down in one of the chairs. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, even though they were all deep in their own conversations. Those 15 minutes seemed to have gone on for hours while I sat in silence. Suddenly I noticed Aizawa stand up, he eyed me up and down ushered me to come with him.

"I want to introduce you to the students." He said flatly in a monotone voice not looking at me once. His charcoal black hair was covering his dark eyes. Looking at him closely I noticed he had a deep scar underneath his eye.

No wonder. This school is a mess.

Part of me hoped that I could help save the reputation of this school which would save my reputation in turn. Due to the attack on the USJ security here was being strengthened.

I kept my cool around Aizawa, I didnt want to start fangirling over him... At least not while he was here with me. My eyes had a mind of their own, constantly wandering over to him. We walked into the class, all the students were already in their seats.

"Class I want you to meet Bl- " he was interrupted by the students wide eyed, screaming and shouting.

"Whoah! Blackout! You're so cool!" A young girl with bobbed brown hair screeched.

"Were totally the same!" A young man shouted before someone cut him off.

"Kaminari! Shut up! She's way cooler than you!"

I couldn't help but smile, I wasn't use to getting this much attention. Not many people knew my name but my media hit recently had brought me a little fame even if it was in a negative light.

"That's enough." Aizawa managed to shut the class up, immediatley. "You can ask Blackout as many questions as you want. Just don't wake me up."

Saying that, Aizawa disappeared inside a luminous yellow sleeping bag and fell asleep almost instantly. My hand shot overy mouth, trying my hardest to keep a poker face. I wasn't sure how to take this man, he was certainly a strange one.

"Is he usually like this?" I asked the class, my brow furrowed. They roared with laughter all nodding their heads yes.

"Okay. Who has questions?"

For the rest of that class the students fired questions at me while I also got to learn about them and their names. I smiled to myself hearing the kids ask about my quirk, about being a hero, even my personal life.

Maybe this isn't so bad.

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